Candidates Open Fire on Obama's Executive Gun Control at GOP Debate


Obama’s latest round of unconstitutional executive actions landed in the crosshairs of the GOP presidential candidates during the debate last night in South Carolina.


“I think if this president could confiscate every gun in America he would,” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said. “He has never defended guns. Every chance he has ever gotten he has undermined the Second Amendment. I’m convinced because I see how he works with his attorney general not to defend the Second Amendment but to figure out ways to undermine it.”

“Criminals don’t buy their guns from a gun show. … ISIS and terrorists do not get their guns from a gun show,” Rubio said.

“We are in a war against ISIS … the last line standing between them and our families might be us and a gun. When I’m president of the United States, we are defending the Second Amendment, not undermining it the way Barack Obama does.”

Said New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who has a questionable record on the Second Amendment, “In New Jersey, what we have done is to make it easier now to get a conceal-and-carry permit. The way we’ve done it is properly, through regulatory action. The president wants to do things without working with his Congress, without working with the legislature and without getting the consent of the American people. That’s a dictatorship, and we have to be very, very concerned about that. … This guy is a petulant child. That’s what he is. The American people have rejected your agenda, and now you are trying to go around it? That’s not right, that’s not constitutional, and we are going to kick your rear end out of the White House.”


“The first impulse of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is to take rights away from law-abiding citizens,” Jeb Bush said. “I think we ought to focus on what the bigger issue is.”

Frontrunner Donald Trump also weighed in. “I am a Second Amendment person. If we had another gun in California on the other side, where the bullets were going in the opposite direction, we wouldn’t have 14 or 15 people dead right now,” he said, in reference to  the San Bernardino shooting. “It’s not the guns that pull the trigger, it’s the people that pull the trigger.”


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