Is AOC’s Ethics Issue the Met Gala or TikTok? Maybe It’s Maybelline.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Ever since the news dropped on Wednesday that New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Instagram) was the subject of an investigation by the House Ethics Committee, there has been one question: What exactly did the Darling Ditz of the Democrats do?


That probably won’t be made known until at least June. But that has not stopped the pundits from The Daily Wire on down from speculating on the possible transgression(s).

The frontrunner is the Met Gala, at which AOC appeared in a dress that was emblazoned with the words: “Tax the Rich.” The “rich” in question, of course, being anyone but a Democrat. There were two complaints that arose from AOC’s turn on the red carpet. According to the New York Post, and at this point everyone else, one infraction was that the Congressmodel accepted free tickets to the event. The issue here is that had the event been a charity and the tickets been provided by the organizer, no harm and no foul. But the invites were handed out by a for-profit company. Issue Number Two is that ridiculous dress. The dress is an alleged gift that was related to AOC’s position in Congress.

But wait! There’s more!

Fox News had the story Wednesday night that the future Vogue contributor and Condé Nast masthead occupant had a TikTok account that she has been keeping secret.

Related: AOC Is Under Investigation by the House Committee on Ethics


Apparently, she ‘fessed up last year, but has not disclosed whether or not the account is still active. She said in an Instagram post in 2021, “I have a secret. I started a TikTok account. But I haven’t told anybody what it is. I’m just lurking, waiting for my moment.” Good God. Is she still a sophomore? Is she putting together a burn book? Is she trashing the hair of the people sitting in front of her in class, and passing notes to the cute congressman a few rows up? A sitting member of congress has a secret TikTok account? Holy Pierre Delecto, Batman.


At this point, everyone but your eleven-year-old niece knows that TikTok is a massive piece of spyware masquerading as an app that the CCP is using to gather information on Americans. God only knows what it has picked up from Congressional Barbie’s account.

Even the DOJ, which could be charitably described as chronically having its hands at 10:00 and 2:00 and its head firmly at 6:30. scraped its poop into a group long enough for FBI Director Christopher Wray to state that TikTok’s algorithms allow the Chinese government “to manipulate content, and if they want to, to use it for influence operations.” Wray continued:

“All of these things are in the hands of a government that doesn’t share our values and that has a mission that’s very much at odds with what’s in the best interests of the United States. That should concern us.”

Did AOC not know these things? It is not as if they are not common knowledge. She likely had no idea and did not care. She had to run by the gas station for some mixers and to refill her head.

In all fairness, it is a pretty sure bet that AOC did not have the slightest idea that she was breaking any laws or violating any ethical codes. She obviously doesn’t think that way. She’s more a runway model than a legislator. It’s almost pitiful. Almost. She allowed herself to become a product whose sole job is to articulate talking points she barely understands and appeal to the disgruntled Gen Z voters who, God help us, want someone who looks and sounds like them to rage against the patriarchy. And before anybody starts, I have been a waiter and bartender who worked split shifts and doubles. Don’t come at me with that weak sauce, bro. Someone in the party needs to tell AOC that it is time to put away childish things. No more cute posts. No more third-grade tantrums. No more acting like an influencer. No more posting on Instagram like a high school cheerleader. This isn’t #Bridesquad or some other inanity. Of course, no one will ever have that talk with her. And even if they did, she wouldn’t change a thing. This will amount to little more than a gentle tap on a wrist, resulting in  a watered-down promise to “do better going forward.”  #ditzgoals.



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