Colo. State Rep. Thinks Only 'Three People' Will See Him Refusing to Condemn Hamas

AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File

Tim Hernandez, a state representative from Colorado, not only refused to condemn Hamas for slaughtering civilians and babies, but he also appeared to agree smilingly with the savagery. In a video posted at The Liberty Daily, you’re about to see Hernandez refuse to condemn the pro-Hamas rally that’s going on in the background.


The man shooting the video confronts Hernandez about “the fact that you can’t condemn women and children being murdered in the streets.”

“What about it?” Hernandez asks with a grin one would associate with eating human waste.

When pressed about whether he condemns the slaughter, Hernandez smiles, shakes his head, and says, “I already said..”

“Why can’t you say yes?” the reporter asks.

“I already gave you my answer,” Hernandez shoots back.

“You didn’t give an answer, and I think anyone who watches would understand,” the reporter continues.

“All three people who are gonna watch your b*llsh*t video,” Hernandez quips.

This isn’t Hernandez’s first taste of Karl Marx’s boot. He is a former teacher who taught “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution” against “Whiteness.”

Jimmy Sengenberger, a columnist for The Denver Gazette, writes this about Comrade Hernandez:

He liked a tweet from the Colorado Palestinian Coalition that promoted an “EMERGENCY PROTEST FOR PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE” — in which he later participated — and reposted tweets implying Hamas was merely “fighting back against occupation.” (He later unshared them.)

Former State Rep. Rob Fairbank summed up Hernandez’s day “supporting the destruction of Israel, publicly arguing with a member of Denver’s Jewish community, and spitting on the Capitol grounds.”


Hernadez isn’t the only commie guerilla in our midst. Thirty-one student group organizations from Harvard have signed a meaningless document blaming Israel for Hamas’ recent brutality. Pro-Hamas rallies are popping up around the nation and the rest of the world as well.

Lefties, quick to label anyone in a MAGA hat as a “Nazi,” are suddenly giddy to see Jewish women raped, babies beheaded, and people burned alive, which some people see as a nod to the Nazi ovens of the Third Reich.

FACT-O-RAMA! There are 45 goals of communism for taking over the U.S. without chambering a round. They were entered into the Congressional record on Jan. 10, 1963. Goal #17 is “Get control of the school. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.” I believe this goal has been achieved.

Please take 24 seconds to watch the Marxist miscreant Hernadez smilingly admit that he is down with slaughtering Jews. Feel free to retweet. Let’s make the Nazi sympathizer famous.



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