As a comedian, I spend a lot of time driving to comedy venues. I can spend up to seven hours behind the wheel at a clip. I usually take the expressways but when time allows, I’ll take the back roads.
Whether I’m driving on the western end of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Ohio’s U.S. 20, or a nearby street from my atomic bunker on Long Island, I have noticed that, since 2016, the nation is bespeckled with Trump flags.
FACT-O-RAMA! During a recent record-hunting visit to Stroudsburg, Penn., I counted one Winnie the Pooh flag, four Trump flags, three Trump signs, and zero Biden flags, hence proving, in a non-scientific way, that Pooh Bear has more fans in that town than our current president.
There are many reasons for the Trump devotion. For starters, he was the greatest president in my 57 years.
He is also what is known on the East Coast as a “b*ll-buster.” He knows how to make fun of people to their face, which is a skill — yes, a skill — few people, especially politicians, seem to have. Whether you find this obnoxious or not doesn’t matter. For so many Americans, watching Trump skewer Hillary, Jeb Bush, or any other humorless elite like a kebob is akin to watching a comedian fillet an obnoxious heckler. Most people love it because it’s the same thing We the People would do. Bonus points that Jeb and Hillary are elitist prigs who think you and I are vermin. What’s more satisfying than mocking a snobbish toilet person who hates you for being a worker bee?
Hillary can’t be bothered to walk to her mailbox, but Trump is the kind of guy who would invite the mailman in on a stormy day.
Hillary has spent her entire adult life trying to be an elitist who wouldn’t deign to speak with peasants like you and me, only at us — from behind a microphone and a wall of security. After all, why become an elite if you can’t emote disdain onto the people whose votes you need yet abhor?
Trump has never exuded hatred or superciliousness for the little guy. He has a history of befriending the blue-collar Janes and Joes of the nation. Whether he is passing out supplies, which he paid for, to citizens of East Palestine, OH, or handing out sandwiches, which he paid for, to people in a Florida trailer park that was gutted by a hurricane, the citizenry never feels they are being belittled.
I have met a ton of people who have met or worked with Trump, and they all like and respect him. I’ve met people who have gone to college because of the money Trump gave them. On the other hand, many of Hillary’s peeps seem to end up dead.
Trump doesn’t see us as rag, tag, and bobtail but as people. Obama, Hillary, and every other wealthy elitist, from both sides of the aisle, can’t understand this. Why be a billionaire if you can’t ooze contempt for the commoners? Sure, the yacht rides are fun but only if you can look down your nose at the deckhand mixing your pomegranate martini.
The human decency Trump exudes toward the working class flies in the face of the rubbish leftists have been propagating to their minions for years: Republicans are wealthy, racist snobs who hate commoners and work tooth and nail to keep the poor people poor.
The elitists hate us for several reasons. For starters, it’s a simple though ineffective self-esteem move. Self-loathers need to feel superior to others to feel better about themselves.
They also hate that they need us to do things they can’t, like replace a drainpipe or change a brake pad.
The deep state hates Trump, not only because he is an existential threat to their evil, Marxist plan to enslave the nation and gavage grasshopper meatballs down our throats, but because Trump has something they never will: a rock star-like standing with the citizens.
DO YOU LIKE MOVIES ABOUT GLADIATORS-O-RAMA!? In the film “Gladiator,” the character “Maximus” is loved by the people, the romantic interest, and the emperor. The emperor’s tyrannical son, the aptly named “Commodus,” hates that everyone loves Maximus and endeavors to beat him at, well, anything. Thus are tyrants.
Obama, whose ego is larger than Hunter Biden’s rap sheet, likely cringes when he sees Trump, no longer president, drawing thousands of people wearing Trump gear. Obama couldn’t draw flies to an outhouse if he wore a dookie suit.

TRUMP-O-RAMA! Trump doesn’t want to take your gas-powered car. He is not planning to purloin your sirloin and replace it with Cricket Helper. Trump has no desire to control us; he simply wants to Make America Great Again.
The reasons the left is pulling all sorts of legal tommyrot out of their pampered bahookies to take down President Trump are clear. He stands in the way of their Stalinist plans, and We the People admire him for fighting back and rally around him. Every time the vile uniparty throws another bogus arrest Trump’s way, 100,000 more Trump voters are born.
Trump’s enemies also hate him because he isn’t afraid to say what he believes or to be the authentic man he is. While other lickspittle politicians beclown themselves in Iowa by wearing jeans, flannel, and a cowboy hat, Trump is himself. He wears a suit. He doesn’t care about being “liked,” which is what so many lesser politicians strive for.
Related: Why You Need to Stop Worrying and Love Trump Again
Rather than learn from Trump’s life of success, smaller people lash out at him. It’s the way of tyrants. Vote accordingly.
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