BLM, Eco-harpies, Trans Loons, and Femi-nags Are All Marxists, But Christianity Is the Cure

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The enviro-doomsdayers, LGBTQAnons, BLM, Antifa, fake news, climate change wackos, and the femi-furies — anyone screaming about “equality” — are all the long-term projects of Marxists looking to topple the nation from within. Or so claims former Soviet propaganda chief — and defector — Yuri Bezemenov.


Yes, the Founding Fathers wrote that “all men are created equal,” but it was meant in the sense that we should all have the same shot at success — the equal opportunity to excel. But the “equality” Bezmenov speaks of — the so-called “equality” of trans chicks to compete against women, the “equality” of trans healthcare, i.e., the “right” of an attention-starved 14-year-old boy to have his penis split and inverted into a “vagina,” or the “equality” of women to make as much money as men make while working less dangerous jobs — is all part of a Soviet plan that goes back many decades.

FACT-O-RAMA! Marxism comes at us disguised as a virtue — women’s rights, a clean environment, gay equality, etc. But behind every one of these groups are communists who couldn’t care less about the people they purport to support. The American protesters who take to the streets in solidarity with these groups are the people Lenin referred to as “useful idiots.”

Bezmenov told us the Soviets control these groups back in the ’80s, but we didn’t listen.

QUOTE-O-RAMA! “You can’t subvert an enemy that doesn’t want to be subverted.” — Yuri Bezmenov

In a 1983 lecture (see below), Bezmenov informed us that leftists of every order — college professors, gay rights groups, feminists, so-called intellectuals, fake news providers, even some preachers, you name it — are controlled by Marxists. Or rather, Maoists at this point.

The leaders of the left-wing fringe groups — referred to as “sleepers” or “sleeper cells” — wait for a triggering event to spring into action.

A perfect example would be the death of Saintly George Floyd.

Marxist example 1: BLM and the George Floyd Riots of 2020

Minutes after Floyd died, a surprisingly well-organized army of Antifa street thugs began to torch Minneapolis. BLM, created ostensibly to help promote black “equality” in the eyes of the police — and organized by admitted Marxists — joined the fight. And the group was eager to burn black neighborhoods despite its name, “Black Lives Matter.”


If the true goal of BLM is to help black people, why would they destroy black communities around the nation? They wouldn’t. The actions of BLM — with the help of Antifa — were focused on two goals: to get rich; and to destroy as much of America as possible. What could be more Marxist than that?

SCAM-O-RAMA! Though BLM took in tens of millions of dollars, it gave very little to the black community. The father of Michael Brown, who was killed by a cop he’d just attacked in Ferguson, Mo., received only $500 from the organization that hoovered mad stack from Brown’s death. Brown’s family would eventually fight one another to sell Michael Brown commemorative t-shirts. Patrisse Cullors, one of the Marxist founders of BLM, packed up her money and left the organization and was last seen shopping for her fifth mansion.

A  Milwaukee, Wis., thug named Sylville Smith pulled a gun on cops in 2016 and was shot by a black policeman. Race played no part in this incident, yet “protestors” began burning down a black neighborhood in Milwaukee. Smith’s younger sister, unaware that Marxists were behind the violence, urged rioters to go burn down the suburbs where white people lived instead. The Communist News Network (CNN) dutifully edited the tape to try to show the angry little lady as a peacekeeper and not the violent racist she is. The violent Marxists on the ground did their job, as did the sneaky, lying tovarishes at CNN.

Related: BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Steps Down From BLM With Four Mansions, Possibly a 5th, to Pursue a Marxist Life

Marxist example 2: Enviro-harpies and Climate Change

Few scream louder for their cause than the hirsute soap-dodging eco-freaks.

How do we know this is a Marxist group?

These wailing globe snotters lost their religion when a live sea turtle was found with a plastic straw up its schnoz. Corporations and states banned the use of these tubular WMDs so that turtles everywhere would be spared a similar fate.

FARCE-O-RAMA! According to, plastic straws make up .025% of all plastics in the ocean, and banning them was almost pointless.


Meanwhile, when 13 (and counting) dead whales washed up on the shores of Long Island and New Jersey, specialists began to question the use of underwater sonar to map the bottom of the ocean for offshore wind turbines. The specialists asked that the sonar stop long enough to conduct studies and perhaps even save the whales. (Remember that slogan?)

Nah. The climate change mob, Marxists one and all, sat on their hands over the baker’s dozen of dead whales. NPR took its collective tongue off XI’s Xinping’s boot long enough to discredit the sonar theory altogether.

“There is no evidence to link these strandings to offshore wind energy development,”stated the Marine Mammal Commission — a federal agency.

Of course there is no evidence — because they aren’t looking for it. The beloved wind turbine industry, which is part of the climate change cult, never stopped their sonar work long enough to conduct a study.

The prairie fairies who rallied for a single living turtle said not a word over the 13 dead whales. Why? Because they were obeying orders from Marxists.

Related: Freedom of What? Michigan State Bans Trigger Language, Including the ‘A’ Word

Need more proof that the climate change movement is a joke, and the screeching snipper snappers who support it are taking orders from Bolshies?

The world dumped 1.6 billion useless masks Fauci face diapers — made with plastic — in our oceans in 2020 alone. Where is the outrage? Even if someone rescues a dolphin with a mask in its blowhole, there won’t be any. This is because the COVID myth is the most important step in global Marxist domination, and the lefties will be told to stand down and question nothing.

FACT-O-RAMA! Jerry Seinfeld — one of the nation’s cleanest comedians — stated back in 2015 that he won’t perform at colleges because they are too politically correct. This was yet more proof that Marxists have achieved another of the 45 goals of communism. In this case, it is Goal #17: Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.


Marxist example 3: The Feminist Movement

Prior to the 2020 election, tens of thousands of left-leaning harridans donned pink p*ssy hats (“Don’t objectify me!”) and took to the streets to protest — who? Donald J. Trump, for boorishly stating that women allow  (that’s consent) famous men to, ahem, touch them as the men please. Yet the same grimalkins remain obediently silent as men in pigtails steal scholarships and opportunities from their own daughters.

In October 2020, competitive college swimmer Riley Gaines, speaking about women college swimmers, told this to Fox News:

They’re intimidated, they’re threatened, they’re emotionally blackmailed. I have so many examples of what these Ivy League schools have said to their swimmers in hope to get them to not speak out. One of those examples being an email sent to the Ivy League swimmer saying that if you feel uncomfortable changing in an area where you will see male genitalia, here are some resources, and you should seek counseling.

In other words, be a good girl and take it.

Riley Gaines was recently attacked by a violent mob of Maoists for speaking out about keeping bearded ladies out of women’s sports — and their locker rooms. The attack is on video, yet look at ABC’s headline: “Riley Gaines, outspoken critic of transgender athletes, says she was attacked during event at SFSU”

In this headline, Gaines isn’t a proponent of fairness in women’s sports; she’s a “critic of transgender athletes.” But Gaines is not against gender-bender bois competing, she simply claims they have an unfair advantage, and also they should use the men’s locker room.

The headline further claims Gaines “says” she was attacked, and ABC edited the footage they showed. You can see more of the attack here.

Gaines was locked in a classroom for three hours as animals screamed obscenities and demanded payment to let her leave. Needless to say, no one was arrested.

Megan Rapinoe, the purple-headed apparatchik leader of the Women’s U.S. soccer team, came out in defense of men competing with women.


If Rapinoe is the “feminist hero we need” (according to Elle Australia magazine), why would she condone dudettes playing against real women? Especially considering that her own Olympic team was crushed by a bunch of boys, all of whom were 14 years old or less?

Because Rapinoe, like the feminist movement and like the trans movement, is full of bolshie-it.

The “feminists” came out in force to protest Trump — the only presidential candidate to oppose Marxism in decades — but can’t be bothered to stand up for real women who are forced to shower with men and then threatened into remaining silent about it, or a woman attacked and chased by feral knuckleheads.

Related: The 45 Goals of Communism at Work: Woman Booted from Virginia School Board for Honoring the Constitution

Either feminists are guilty of a shocking, self-defeating level of hypocrisy, or the movement has been hijacked by commies. Or maybe commies started the movement themselves and have been controlling leftist women ever since.

CAN’T MAKE THIS UP-O-RAMA! Feminists fight to take the “men” out of “womyn” but not out of women’s sports.

Marxist example 4: The LGBTQanon Movement

Gay people loathe straight white Christians, mostly for their stances on abortion and gay marriage. But last time I checked, gay marriage is legal nationwide, and aborting a baby is okey-dokey in almost every state.

So why all this hatred?

According to Bezmenov, the only thing that can bring this country back from the brink is Christianity. The Marxists know this and will continue to direct their legions to attack Christians until the last one has been silenced.

America’s black Christian population comes down notoriously hard on the LGBT crowd, but the violent “gaystapo” is finicky about which religious folks they hate — and brutalize.

Black Christians seem to get a pass as the left laser-focuses its hatred against their white counterparts. And while neither black nor white Christians approve of gay marriage or abortion — none of which is really an issue anymore — the left turns a blind eye to the Muslims who toss gay men off buildings or “honor kill” their sons for being light in the loafers. It’s just more proof that the LGBT movement doesn’t care about gay people; they just want the blue-haired useful idiots to do their bidding and attack Christians.


Speaking of violence, the push to allow gay people to marry was peaceful compared to the shocking violence we see emanating from the transamabob mob, which almost seems sanctioned by Biden’s commie forces.

We still haven’t seen the manifesto left by the Tennessee trans chick who murdered six Christians, three of them only nine years old. What we did see was Joe Biden who, rather than condemn the shooter, declared a day of “trans visibility.” His White House con artist Karine Jean-Pierre had the indifference to praise “fierce” trans kids who “fight back” a week after the Tennessee shooting left three Christian kids dead.

“This has been one of the worst weeks of 2023 so far, in terms of anti-LGBTQ bills becoming law in states across America,” Jean-Pierre said, ignoring the tragedy in Tennessee.

When we see the president of the United States running interference for violent trans people, we have to make an appalling admission: he’s fighting for the commies.

Related: Tolerance and Acceptance Were Never Going to Be Enough for the Trans Crowd

As our own Robert Spencer reported, another trans wackadoo would-be school shooter was stopped last week, this one in Colorado Springs, Colo. — the same town where a non-binary dudette blazed up a gay bar last year, in the same state that declared itself a sanctuary for transgender folks.

 What Have We Learned?

We have learned that one of the following things is true: either these groups are very picky about which women’s rights they want to protect, which black lives matter and which do not, and which religious groups can attack, hate and kill the LGBT blue anons, or these groups have been hijacked by commies looking to enslave every American.


The cherry on this sundae, the bow on this present, the cocktail onion in this gin martini is this: according to Bezmenov, if the commies take power, everyone one of these useful idiots — once their duties of rioting and wreaking havoc have been performed — will be shot.

Gee, KDJ, it’s a holiday weekend. Is there good news? Is there a way out?

Yes: as Bezmenov discloses at the end of the interview, Christianity is the key. The communists can’t defeat “intelligent moral agents of God.”

Watch the video and hear him explain it himself.

Happy Easter.




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