New York City DA Ignores Skyrocketing Crime, Reopens Stormy Daniels Case

(AP Photo/Markus Schreiber, File)

Go ahead: bite the Big Apple, but don’t mind the maggots!

As New York City plunges deeper into a dystopian outhouse, Manhattan’s commie district attorney, Alvin Bragg, has decided to embrace the chaos and spend his energy looking into the Stormy Daniels/Donald Trump applesauce yet again.


FACT-O-RAMA! Trump has faced roughly 30 lawsuits and investigations — including two new investigations recently announced by Democrat toady Merrick Garland of the Department of Justice — since his history-altering ride down the escalators at Trump Tower when he announced his candidacy for president. Some of the more barmy investigations include violations of the KKK Act and the idea Trump was stealing classified information for sale.

Bragg is basing the crux of his new investigation on the $130,000 of “hush money” that Stormy Daniels allegedly received. The money reportedly came from Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, and Trump supposedly paid Cohen back. Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, couldn’t prove that the $130,000 payment was disguised as a legal expense — which he needed for a conviction — and dropped the case. Bragg seems to think he has a shot or is just trying to inundate Trump with more legal nonsense now that he knows Trump is running again in 2024.

The true absurdity here is that Bragg has opened his new investigation into Trump despite record crime ravaging New York City.

Bragg has made no secret that he is allowing criminals to continue terrorizing NYC, you know, in the name of “equity.” Never mind that people of color — and sometimes cops — overwhelmingly make up the victims of the continued crime surge.


Related: What Does It Take to Go to Jail in NYC? Teen Rapper Gets Third Gun Bust

Even worse, prior to the midterm elections, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) pretended that the tsunami of violence in New York City wasn’t real, going so far as to call people reporting crime “media manipulators” and “data deniers,” all while horrific murders and brutal rapes were taking place in the five boroughs.

None of this should be surprising because Bragg has to appease his bolshie masters. Remember, nothing is more important to the left than “getting Trump.” Bragg is doing what is expected of him, so expect to see him rewarded with a higher office after he has put the final nail into the coffin of the city that never sleeps.


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