Trump Hits Grand Slam at CPAC

AP Photo/LM Otero

The key to a Trump rally or speech is the music before and after he speaks. I don’t think it was an accident that the CPAC crowd of easily 5,000+ people heard Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)” before Trump spoke on Saturday for over 90 minutes about, among other things, how President Biden has gutted our great nation in record time.


Also important, he knows how to work a crowd. A Trump speech is part political rally, part stand-up comedy show, and part rock concert.

Trump spent the first few minutes mentioning Republican politicians who were at CPAC and on his side. The best of which I believe was: “She doesn’t like to speak her mind, but she does anyway–Marjorie Taylor Greene.” The ballroom full of red-capped patriots erupted, as they did when Trump mentioned a “patriot in our midst, Mike Lindell.”

Trump did not say he was running again for president, but he did say “we beat them twice, we will beat them three times” in a playful nod to the “alleged” cheating in the 2020 election and the possibility of running in the 2024 election.

Trump pointed out that he is the only U.S. president of the 21st century whom Russia did not challenge by occupying, annexing, or invading another nation.

He pointed out what we all know but still like to be reminded of: Biden’s presidency is a chemical explosion. He said that he would “much rather Biden was doing a great job than a poor job, but no one would believe how bad he [Biden] is doing. The world hasn’t been this chaotic since World War II, I think we can say that.”

He added: “I have no doubt President Putin made his decision to attack Ukraine after watching the pathetic pull-out of Afghanistan.”


Related: Ric Grenell Destroys Biden and His ‘Obama Third Term Crew’ for Weak Diplomacy

Trump also reminded his enthusiastic crowd that oil was $36 a barrel when he left and is now at about $100 and going higher, and that Putin was making mad stacks because of the rise in price.

At one point, President Trump teased the crowd by saying, “As your president…” This kinda-sorta suggested he either is still the commander in chief (the QAnons will swoon) or that he is coming back–although he did not say he is running again in 2024.

Trump outright called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s treatment of peaceful truckers “tyranny,” while claiming that drug dealers, murderers, and rapists are treated better in Canada. He declared that the truckers are being “hunted like animals.” He warned his crowd that the left wants to do the same to us, earning him one of many standing ovations.

Trump called on voters to send the Democrats to “political oblivion, so that they can never do what they have done, again.” Standing ovation.

Trump touched but didn’t dwell on the need for fair elections. He pointed several times to the news crews to his right, stating that they “perpetuate the most flagrant hoaxes and monstrous lies like Russia, Russia, Russia.” People turned to throw some finger gestures at the news cameras. I’m not gonna lie: I wanted to throw my cup of Knob Creek 9 Year Old in their direction, but who would waste good bourbon on fake news skanks?


Trump also mentioned that although it’s illegal to donate more than $6,000 to a campaign, Mark Zuckerberg spent $417 million on the 2020 race. “Mark Zuckerberg, who used to come to the White House and kiss my ass.” Yet another standing ovation.

FACT-O-RAMA! I lost count of how many standing ovations he got on Saturday night at CPAC.

He spoke of how the woke left indoctrinates kids to hate their parents by calling them racists. He also said the Biden crime family needs to be voted out of power in a win “by and for the people.” The crowd went crazy.

Trump ended his speech the way he always does: by claiming we will “make America great again” to thunderous applause.

The first song played as Trump left the stage? The Sam & Dave hit “Hold On, I’m Coming.”

Always listen to Trump’s music.



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