Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Calls Out Trump: 'Where Are You?'

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Screenshot from Twitter video.

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any more bizarre: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has cut a promo on Donald Trump.


Where are you? Where is our leader? Where are you? Where is our leader at this time? At this time, when our country is down on its knees, begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain, begging and pleading with its arms out, just wanting to be heard. Begging and pleading and praying for change. Where are you?

…Of course, all lives matter. Every single one. All lives matter because we, as Americans, we believe inclusivity, we believe in acceptance, we believe in human rights, we believe in equality for all. That’s what we believe in. So, of course, all lives matter. But in this moment, right now, this defining, pivotal, explosive moment where our country is down on its knees, the floorboards of this country are becoming unhinged in this moment. We must say the words “black lives matter.”

The city of Minneapolis is controlled by Democrats. The state of Minnesota is controlled by Democrats. That’s where those cops killed George Floyd. Did anybody blame Obama for Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, MO, and the subsequent rioting? No, because that would’ve been insane. But nonetheless, here we are. Somehow, Floyd’s murder is the responsibility of the president of the United States. I really don’t get it.


Right now, I just want someone to stop the rioting and looting that’s ravaging city after city. I’m fine with The Rock calling out Trump — after all, he’s a WWE Hall of Famer — but it would be even better if they could form a tag-team and work on stopping all this insane violence and destruction.

People don’t care about your cause when they’re afraid for their own lives. Platitudes are meaningless when you’re sweeping up what’s left of your bodega, or drugstore, or art gallery — yeah, an art gallery was just looted in LA — after it’s been destroyed for no good reason. The families of the cops being murdered around the country aren’t worried about inclusivity right now. Equality for all? A mob of big guys stomping a small woman as they’re looting her store, like we just saw in Rochester, is as unequal as it gets.

People are being assaulted by rioters even though they agree with all those wonderful ideals of inclusivity and acceptance that Mr. Johnson espouses. That’s not Trump’s fault. He’s not accountable for the actions of criminals. If Mr. Johnson really wants to help us, he should help Trump convince people to stop rioting. Appeal for peace. A lot of people look up to The Rock, and his voice could help. I don’t know how it could hurt.


Trump promises to crack down on the rioting, and right now that’s all most of us want. I don’t care if he’s America’s Dad, like Obama was. That’s not the job of a president. I don’t need POTUS to give me a pat on the head. I don’t need him to tell me I matter. I need him to restore order.

Right now, Mr. Johnson, America doesn’t need a hug. It needs a timeout.

I’d still vote for The Rock in a minute, though. It’s not too late! He should choke-slam Biden through a folding table (metaphorically speaking, of course) and grab the DNC championship belt. If ya smellllllll!! What the POTUS. Is. Cookin’.

P.S. Are we allowed to observe that the cops who killed George Floyd are racially diverse? I know, I know, that means it’s systemic racism.

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