If You Still Think 'MAGA Hat Kid' Nick Sandmann Did Something Wrong, Watch This Video

(Image via YouTube screenshot)

It’s been two weeks since 99 percent of the mainstream media attacked a teenager in a MAGA hat for smiling at a Native American man banging a drum in his face on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. And it’s been slightly less than two weeks since it was conclusively proven that 99 percent of the mainstream media screwed up. That kid, Nick Sandmann, didn’t do anything wrong. On the contrary, he was the only one in the immediate vicinity who was behaving like an adult.


Some of our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press went so far as to threaten to punch Sandmann and get him expelled from his Catholic school in Kentucky. They didn’t accomplish either of those goals, but they succeeded in getting that school shut down due to hundreds of death threats. It was another stunning victory for the #Resistance, which is how most of the media self-identifies now. They saw the Red Hat of Evil, and that’s all they needed to know. If you wear that hat, it’s considered an enemy uniform and it makes you a legitimate target. Even if you’re just a teenager who is standing stock-still and doing literally nothing.

A few of these self-described “journalists” have done the right thing and apologized for their rush to judgment. A few of them have doubled down and still insist they’re right, all evidence to the contrary. Some of them have since lost their jobs in the latest round of journalism layoffs, which is a real shame. But most of them have just moved on to the next manufactured outrage du jour. They disgraced themselves, but that was dozens of news cycles ago. Why dwell on it? Shrug emoji.

In the meantime, Nick Sandmann has been smeared with an ugly lie that will follow him around for the rest of his life. Where does he go to get his reputation back?


As Debra Heine notes, attorney L. Lin Wood, who is representing Sandmann, has put together a 14-minute video that shows the truth about what happened. It contrasts the false claims of Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist who started this whole thing, against the reality. Wood writes:

2 weeks ago, the mainstream media, politicians, church officials, commentators, & celebrities rushed to judgment to wrongfully condemn, threaten, disparage & vilify Nick Sandmann based solely on a few seconds of an out-of-context video clip. It only takes 15 minutes to learn the truth. Here it is.

As you can see, everything Nathan Phillips said about the incident was a lie. Those kids weren’t threatening anybody. They weren’t blocking Phillips’ path. They didn’t chant “Build the wall” or say anything racist. The aggressors were the Black Hebrew Israelites, who were screaming at Native Americans (“You’re an Uncle Tomahawk! Got your head up the white man’s ass!”), gays (“On the back of your dollar bill, it says ‘In God We Trust,’ but you give f***ts rights!”), whites (“This is a bunch of future school shooters!”), women (“It’s always our women thinking they can come and distract things with their loud-ass mouth, ’cause they’re not used to dealing with no real men!”), blacks (“You, n***a! Get your old Uncle Tom ass out of here!”), and anybody else who crossed their path. They’re the only bigots in this story.


But if you’re a member of the media, and therefore a Democrat, that simply can’t be true. Those guys bellowing hatred at complete strangers are victims, because they’re black. Nathan Phillips is a victim, no matter what he does or says, because he’s Native American. Those kids are the bad guys, no matter what they do or say, because most of them are white.

It’s a cliche by now to say this is why Trump won, but it’s true. People are tired of identity politics, and they voted against it in 2016. Now lefties have become so deranged by identity politics that they’re going after children. Now they’re alienating even the cuck RINO traitors like me.

If you’re a Democrat and you want to know why I won’t join you, watch that video again.

I hope Nick Sandmann gets justice. The people who did this to him need to answer for it. They’re evil. There’s no other way to say it. They’ve descended into evil, their hatred has curdled into something sick and ugly, and they really don’t care.

Nobody can make them suddenly start caring about the truth, but they damn well need to pay for lying.

P.S. Speaking of political harassment and Orwellian smears: On the remote chance that you follow my @jtLOL account on Twitter, it’s been suspended. Again. This is the fourth or fifth time, I’m starting to lose count. And which awful thing did I do this time? Click here for the terrible truth. Short version: I was refuting a lie about Mike Pence inciting violence, which some trolls are spreading. They called me stupid, I returned their insults in kind, and they didn’t like that. So now I’m suspended for calling stupid liars “stupid liars,” and gullible idiots “gullible idiots.” I’m accused of engaging in “targeted abuse,” which is a lie. But they don’t need to listen, or explain. The #Resistance does it again.



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