Brady White Files: Big-City Cop Explains Why He Left That Police Department for Good

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Brady White is a police officer who writes under a pseudonym. He writes anonymously about his experiences in a big city police force that has seen the worst of the 2020 riots. White has reached out to PJ Media over the past few months to share his observations about the Black Lives Matter movement, why morale in police departments all across America is in the toilet, and how the defund-the-police movement has made things far worse. He explained using a pseudonym on my podcast:


White has taken the step to speak out despite the threats to his job and his livelihood. “If I wrote under my real name and told you where I really work,” he said, “I would at the very least be suspended and probably transferred, taken off the streets and buried somewhere where no one wants to work, or possibly fired. That goes for most active-duty law enforcement.”

Now, he’s written about his resignation from a riot-infested hell-hole of a big-city police department. He writes:

As I told you in my previous rants, many people are leaving law enforcement. Some are leaving altogether, and others like myself are leaving large departments for smaller ones.

I recently resigned from my big-city police department for a smaller agency. The citizens are more pro-law enforcement and the administration still backs its officers if you’re doing the right thing for the right reasons.  Even if you happen to go viral for doing your job. Even if a knife-wielding maniac tries to advance on you and you have to meet lethal force with lethal force. See: Philadelphia.

My old agency is in real trouble, but city hall isn’t really aware of it yet. Or worse, if they are—they don’t care.  Due to COVID-19  budget shortfalls, there’s a hiring freeze right now. People like me are leaving. A dozen to this agency here, thirty-plus to an agency over there, a little bit at a time over the next few months. When State Police opens their academy in the spring? Say goodbye to another dozen or more.

They’re also incentivizing early retirements by the end of the year. Meaning, those with enough time on, or through the incentives that can buy service time through unused sick/vacation time, they’re leaving too. One guy comes to mind, who called me today and told me, “Seeing you in street clothes smiling while turning in your sh– was it for me. F— ’em. I go Monday to start my paperwork.” Good for you, bro. You earned it. Now bankrupt them one month at a time for the next forty years [with the pension payouts].

So who’s left? The ones who can’t leave yet, the lazy, the connected. You think their loyalty will be rewarded?  You don’t do more with less. You do less with less. They’re going to be short-staffed and overworked. Like I said in a previous article, welcome to Delta City. Only there’s no RoboCop walking through the door to save anyone.


Brady White is on Twitter at @iambradywhite and can be reached via email at [email protected].

Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, and on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds.

Editor’s Note: Want to support PJ Media so we can keep telling the truth about the riots and attacks on law enforcement? Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code LAWANDORDER for 25% off your VIP membership. 

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