It’s the not-so-secret dirty little secret the Biden administration doesn’t want Americans to know: Biden’s southern border policies are making all Americans less safe, no matter how far away from the border we live.
In March, Joe Biden vaguely told reporters he’d visit the southern border “at some point,” but he has yet to make the trip. Kamala Harris has also neglected to visit the border even as Biden tasked her with stemming the so-called “surge of migration” there. By contrast, numerous Republican members of Congress have visited sections of our border, as PJMedia reported here and here.
When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aren’t actively deflecting from the chaos at the border, or blaming Trump, they’re downplaying its severity. They certainly don’t treat it as a crisis impacting everyday Americans because it’s, you know, at the border.

The truth is, our unsecured southern border is absolutely bleeding crime and chaos into the United States itself as my PJ Media colleague Stephen Green reported on Friday. That crime, however, doesn’t simply stop at the towns along the border itself.
One case in point is California’s Antelope Valley.
Officially made up of thirteen cities and many other sparsely populated areas, the Antelope Valley is located in the high desert of northern Los Angeles County. The vast valley lies some 200-300 miles away from the U.S. border with Mexico. Sadly, even several hundred miles of separation have provided the residents no protection from Biden’s broken border policies.
According to the most recently available Part-1 Crime Report from Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, in 2021 the Antelope Valley saw a significant uptick in serious crime compared to the same month in 2020: Criminal Homicide is up 80% in Lancaster; Aggravated Assault is up 40.91% and Grand Theft Auto is up 50.20% in the nearby unincorporated rural areas; Rape is up 27.78% in Palmdale.
Immediately upon inauguration, Biden effectively opened wide the border by reversing many of the Trump-era immigration policies and halting construction of the physical barrier system. With the border unsecured, the drug cartels, human traffickers, and other criminals got the message, so why wouldn’t crime have risen dramatically?

Couple Biden’s disastrous border policies with those of California’s soon-to-be-recalled Governor Newsom’s ineffectual immigration policies and there was a crime wave just waiting to break out. And that’s exactly what’s happened: The Antelope Valley has quickly become a magnet for major criminal activity.
FoxNews investigative reporter Sara Carter and Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.) recently toured the massive cartel-linked illegal marijuana grows that are springing up daily in the eastern valley:
Not only are these grows illegal, they’re dangerous too. The cartels cross the southern border, commander land, materials, water, and workers all without fear of being caught or arrested. Many of the workers are illegal immigrants themselves who are forced into a never-ending cycle of indentured servitude. Many have been trafficked here with false promises of legitimate employment, but instead live in constant fear.
Residents are afraid too. The cartels brazenly take land, water, and buildings without a thought for their true owners. Those residents who resist are threatened and intimidated into silence or worse.
Every day these cartel criminals are passing through California’s inner towns and cities. They’re on our freeways, in our restaurants, service stations, and other businesses along the route from the Mexican border. Los Angeles sheriffs report that serious crime is on the rise in many of those places in Los Angeles County as well.
Make no mistake: If the border isn’t secured, the cartels will bring border crime to a neighborhood near you.
Enough is enough. Joe Biden must close the border now.
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