New Poll Shows What Americans Think About Abortion Policy

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

This Saturday marks one year since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision. Of course, that decision returned abortion laws to the state level, although the left would have you believe that SCOTUS denied all women the right to abort babies.


True to the spirit of federalism, all 50 states have taken approaches to abortion that reflect different perspectives on and approaches to the issue. As we near the one-year anniversary of Dobbs, a new poll shows where Americans land when it comes to abortion policy.

Susan B. Anthony (SBA) Pro-Life America released the results of a poll this week that’s pretty encouraging for anyone on the pro-life side of the issue. The Tarrance Group conducted the polling, which found that:

  • 77% of voters agree with at least some limits by 15 weeks when the child can feel pain.
    • Only 15% believe abortion should be allowed throughout pregnancy without any limits.
  • Nearly six in 10 voters would support Congress passing legislation to protect pain-capable babies after 15 weeks (with exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, and incest), while allowing states to pass more protective laws.
    • Includes majorities of Democrats, Independents, women, and self-described pro-choice voters.
  • Seven in 10 voters agree that there should be a requirement to notify parents when a minor child seeks to have an abortion.
    • Includes 54% of Democrats, 65% of Independents, and 54% of pro-choice voters.
  • Three fourths (76%) support pregnancy centers that do not perform abortions but instead offer support to people during their pregnancy and after a baby is born.
    • Includes 68% of Democrats, 70% of Independents, and 77% of women (emphasis in the original).

Related: ‘They Don’t Know Pro-Life People Well’: the Bravery of Pregnancy Centers Facing Threats

“When it comes to protecting life and supporting women, Americans agree far more than the media will report,” said SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement. “We believe the science that shows babies in the womb have a beating heart at six weeks, can suck their thumb as early as 10 weeks, and feel pain at least by 15 weeks. We believe parents have a right to know if their daughters are considering abortion. And we believe women deserve all the compassion, support, and resources the pro-life safety net provides to genuinely empower them — not to be sold an abortion and sent off to figure out how to cope on their own.”

The polling is also telling in that it flies in the face of the media narrative that everyone is either in favor of abortion on demand or banning abortion completely.

“There is middle ground on the issue of abortion not being captured in the traditional life/choice dichotomy,” said the Tarrance Group in its report. “That broad middle ground includes support for limits on later abortions when the child can feel pain, with exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, and incest, while opposing abortion up until the moment of birth. That middle ground also protects parents’ rights, while providing support for Mothers and families during pregnancy and after birth.”


These numbers are truly encouraging because they show that the left’s breathless messaging in favor of unfettered abortion doesn’t ring true with the vast majority of Americans. As Dannenfelser puts it, “Life is winning across America and that’s worth celebrating.” Maybe these stats open the door for changing even more hearts and minds.


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