One Year After Waukesha Tragedy, Biden Has Yet to Visit

AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps

On Nov. 21, 2021, a man drove a red SUV through the barriers and plowed a destructive course through a Waukesha, Wis., Christmas parade, killing or injuring 50+ people, including children. The now-convicted murderer was career criminal Darrell E. Brooks. The horrific events of that day shocked America, but President Joe Biden seems to have been less disturbed, as he has never visited Waukesha since the tragedy occurred.


But then again, Biden showed a marked disconnect from the tragedy soon after it happened, doubling down on his support for “bail reform” — even after it was revealed that “bail reform” freed Brooks after he ran into his girlfriend with his car. Weeks later, Brooks used that same car to run into dozens of Waukesha parade participants. Biden’s White House specifically defended “bail reform” as not responsible for the Waukesha rampage, as PJ Media’s Rick Moran reported. Apparently, the deaths of six people, including an eight-year-old, were less important to Biden than his woke agenda.

Democrats’ jail reform policies have helped drive up crime. FOX26 Houston reported in Dec. 2021 that liberal judges had allowed more than 50,000 accused felons out of jail under their “reforms.” Suspects out on bond killed over 150 people in Harris County, Texas alone. Policies such as “bail reform” help criminals like Brooks, not victims.

As PJ Media’s Gwendolyn Sims asked just after the massacre, “Why did the DA let Brooks out on bail so he was able to kill and injure so many innocent people?”


I also wonder if Biden was less interested in highlighting the massacre because Brooks’s ideology was politically leftist. Brooks posted content online calling for violence against white people, bashing police, apparently supporting anti-Semitism, and insulting Donald Trump. Sort of ruins the narrative that only conservatives inspire violence.

Related: After Ignoring Waukesha, Biden to Visit Buffalo After Shooting

Brooks has since been convicted, as PJ Media’s Megan Fox reported in October:

After eighteen excruciating days in court during which Waukesha killer Darrell Brooks maddeningly delayed justice by defending himself with sovereign citizen rhetoric, a jury found him guilty of all charges. The charges included six counts of first-degree intentional homicide while using a dangerous weapon, 61 counts of recklessly endangering safety, six counts of hit-and-run causing death, and two counts of bail jumping — all felonies — and one count of misdemeanor battery…

[Judge Jennifer Dorow] had shown nauseating deference and given multiple chances [to Brooks] when none were required. The victims’ families in the gallery received no such repeated warnings about their behavior, however, and were tossed out unceremoniously at the very first outburst.


One spectator at Brooks’s sentencing summed up a lot of the anger against the Waukesha killer when he yelled, “Burn in hell, you piece of sh*t.” Brooks offered no apology or explanation for his rampage during the trial, telling the court, “My conscience is clear.”

Which seems to be the exact sentiment of Joe Biden, who never visited Waukesha to console the devastated families there.


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