The New York Times, alleged paper of record, is infamously woke. It chases away anyone who’s not down with the Maoist struggle session.
Relatedly, it’s also infamously ill-informed about the world. This recent headline proves it.

The “remote town” to which the senile Old Gray Lady refers is New Braunfels, Texas.
New Braunfels may not be as famous as, say, New York or New Orleans, but it’s not remote and hasn’t been remotely close to being remote by any reasonable definition of the word.
New Braunfels is south of Austin, the state’s capital, and north of San Antonio, the state’s second-largest city. It’s situated right alongside Interstate 35, the main artery connecting north and south Texas, so if one travels between Austin and San Antonio, one literally cannot miss New Braunfels. Apparently, the New York Times never thought to have its reporter actually make that trip.
In fact, not only is New Braunfels a thriving city — not a “remote town” — in its own right, it’s home to one of the largest Buc-ee’s on the planet. But the New York scribes probably don’t know what a Buc-ee’s is. They really should get out more. Buc-ee’s are amazing patches of heaven on earth.
The San Antonio Express-News reported on the Times’ ignorance of central Texas, as the paper took heat for its ridiculously dumb headline.
The Times has since made two revisions after taking heat on Twitter from New Braunfels’ local newspaper, area journalists and residents. Critics took issue with the Times’ “remote” characterization of the city sandwiched between San Antonio and Austin.
Yep. The Times now headlines the story “How This Texas Town Became One of America’s Fastest-Growing Cities.” It’s tough to see how the Times would know how that happened or why, given its ignorance of where the city actually is. Hint: New Braunfels’ growth has a lot to do with the fact that it’s jammed in between Austin and San Antonio.
Remember this the next time you read a New York Times story about, well, anything.
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