As part of the ongoing melodrama regarding which puppet of the corporate state the Democrats will ultimately offer the American voters in 2024 (assuming they don’t just call off the election entirely with a new “permanent emergency” hoax), recent speculation has centered around Michelle Obama, former FLOTUS.
Ted Cruz believes this is the most likely scenario:
NEW: Senator Ted Cruz believes Biden will *not* be the 2024 Democrat candidate & thinks the Democrats will "parachute" in… wait for it…
Michelle Obama.
“The Democrat kingmakers [will] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama."
“And so when I see the media turning…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 21, 2023
PJ Media’s Athena Thorne doesn’t buy into the hype, but I do.
As many have pointed out, the optics of replacing the Brandon entity with Gavin Newsom rather than the apparent heir to the neoliberal throne, the Karamel-uh entity, are liable to play poorly with the Social Justice™ base of the party.
Brandon’s handlers sent him out in 2020 to pander to the racists in his party by specifically promising to select a black woman running mate, ostensibly so as to ensure that his successor would be the right sex and gender to satisfy the ravenously woke base.
Allowing Newsom — who is very obviously running a shadow campaign as we speak — to overtake the Karamel-uh entity could risk dividing the electorate, particularly given that race hustler Cornel West is currently running on the Green Party ticket. The more Social Justice™ wing of the base could very well shift their loyalties to a third party, potentially costing the Democrats the White House and ushering the bad orange man back into the Oval Office.
Related: Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation, Biden Regime Getting Desperate
The obvious problem, then, with allowing Karamel-uh to replace Brandon is that her poll numbers are abysmal — even worse than Handy Uncle Joseph’s. Swapping Karamel-uh into the driver’s seat would be a net electoral loss.
So I believe Ted Cruz’s analysis is likely to pan out. The new nominee has to be a female Person of Color™ with national name recognition and favorability ratings higher than 40%.
The only monkey wrench in the operation would be whether Michelle Obama could be cajoled into signing onto the project. The Obamas have done very well for themselves in retirement, seemingly above the fray (although they are very much still involved in Democrat operations). But, given enough pressure and consternation about the prospect of Trump Round II, I do believe she could be talked into running.
Of course, the most salient point, in my view, is that all of this Titanic deck chair rearranging is Kabuki theatre for ugly people. It doesn’t ultimately matter which of these empty suits (or pantsuits) sits in the Oval Office; the result will be the same.
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