Poll: 48% of GOP Primary Voters Want RFK Jr. as CDC or FDA Director

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

I reported at PJ Media last month that 2024 GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis either sincerely or flippantly indicated that he would be receptive to appointing Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to head up either the CDC or FDA in his administration. Longtime RINO strategist Karl Rove, along with the corporate state media, wasn’t overly enthusiastic about the proposition.


As if the disconnect between the governing class embodied by Karl Rove and the electorate it governs needed further delineation, a recent poll of GOP voters indicates that they fall on DeSantis’ side of the RFK-for-CDC-director issue.

Via Daily Mail:

Republican voters in Iowa would like to see vaccine skeptic Robert Kennedy Jr. put in charge of regulating American medicines or leading the nation’s public health efforts, according to an exclusive new poll, even though he is running for president as a Democratic candidate…

But a survey of 600 Republicans in Iowa who are likely to play a role in picking the 2024 G.O.P candidate found that his assault on the health establishment is gaining traction.

They backed the idea of putting him in charge of the Centers for Disease Control or the Food and Drug Administration by a margin of almost three to one.

Some 48 percent endorsed the proposal, which was floated last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his run for president. Only 17 percent said they were opposed.


The Daily Mail apparently intends RFK Jr.’s “assault on the health establishment” to be a pejorative, but GOP voters don’t seem to view the prospect of cleaning out the corrupt Public Health™ establishment as a negative.

At the Iowa State Fair recently, RFK Jr. railed against what he calls the “corporate kleptocracy,” under which multinational corporations (with no allegiance to America or Americans) have captured the gears of government and media and used them as arms of profiteering and social control.

This phenomenon of corporate kleptocracy manifests in many ways, but perhaps most importantly for RFK Jr. in the “corporate capture” of America’s public health regulatory agencies such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc.

Having litigated against these agencies, in addition to the EPA, exhaustively in his career, no one is seemingly as intimately acquainted with corporate capture of the FDA and CDC as RFK Jr., which is why he would make such a fantastic head of these agencies, an appointment that would put him in the driver’s seat to flush out the corporate goons — in other words, as Trump would put it, #DraintheSwamp.


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