WATCH: MSNBC Blames Biden's Falls on His Staff

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden and stairs go together like oil and water. He doesn’t do super well on flat surfaces either. At PJ Media, we have exhaustively chronicled this phenomenon.


Some might blame neurodegeneration — Occam’s razor.

MSNBC, for one, blames Biden’s staff for not preventing him from falling on stages.

“Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski explains where the fault really lies for the president’s inability to navigate stairs (emphasis added):

I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m going to be honest, I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president. I’m just saying if you are managing a president’s schedule and a president getting on stage and off stage … and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him, and you need to make a pathway, and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that

These are the things that are going to be played on a loop, OK? Let him do his job, you can’t have these video images of the president tripping or the president going the wrong way. It’s not going to work in this presidency because his age is going to be a factor … it makes me mad.

Of course, this is an odd shifting of blame that would raise more questions than it answers if taken at face value.

First of all, who is to say that the Brandon entity’s handlers haven’t actually coached him endlessly to not look like a deer in headlights when he finishes a public appearance or to not read the silent part in the teleprompter out loud?


What exactly are they supposed to do to prevent such occurrences?

It has long been a political best practice, for example, to put politicians out there for some baby-kissing photo ops. What are they supposed to do when their boss gets super handsy with the nation’s youth, not allow him any interaction at all with constituents under 18?

Biden’s handlers have a lot riding on maintaining the façade of competence and non-senility. Why wouldn’t we assume that they have done everything in their power to try to protect that carefully curated image, especially when everything else about the presidency is so obviously scripted?

This dilemma illustrates that until AI avatars can fully take over the public appearances of politicians, there is only so much that handlers can do to massage their bosses’ images.


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