
RFK Jr. Escapes the Neoliberal Reservation, Goes the Way of Thomas Paine

AP Photo/Josh Reynolds

“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods.”
—Thomas Paine

There is no going back now. RFK Jr. — nephew of a murdered president, son of a murdered senator — must know that.

“Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his longshot bid to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination next year,” reads The Independent‘s description under its live stream.

The smears will only intensify from here.

That RFK Jr. is an “anti-vaccine activist” is all the liberal NPCs who consume corporate media will be permitted to know about the man and his political vision, and for good reason: in his announcement speech, he gave it to the corrupt corporate state like no other high-profile politician, including Trump, has in recent memory.

My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign, and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now.

It is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism on our country… to commoditize our children … to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs.

The basic proposition that Americans fought a Revolution two hundred-plus years ago principally against the corrupt merger of state and corporate power — regarded as the essential definition of fascism by fascist pioneer Benito Mussolini — reverberated throughout the speech. He has very clearly committed to playing with fire by making this the main message of his campaign.

This is the kind of talk that gets you put six feet under.

It’s also exactly the kind of rhetoric that can unite the American people across the Culture War divide to flush out the corrupt Deep State element that has hijacked the levers of power.

The Culture War, after all, although it is built on organic cultural scaffolding, is largely an astroturfed phenomenon designed by social engineers to exploit and amplify internal cultural divisions within the population — the “divide and conquer” tradition of empire-building originated by the Ancient Romans and further refined by the British (as in the case of Indian colonization).

RFK Jr.’s enemies, avowed left-winger though he be, are the men behind the curtain that launder money through “nonprofits” to promote LGBTQ+++™ and BLM and other Social Justice™ ideologies that inflame the Culture War, so that their silent technocratic rule goes unchallenged as rabid dogs, manipulated into tribal warfare by tapping into their basest psychology, attack each other’s throats.

By calling out the corrupt merger of corporate and state power, RFK Jr. has made enemies not just of Big Pharma, but also every industry whose business model is built around government subsidies like the weapons contractors, the oil industry, the healthcare industry, insurance conglomerates that use Medicare Advantage to funnel taxpayer money into their coffers, et al. And he has engendered the wrath of government actors who profit personally off of the funneling of public money to private interests.

In other words, RFK Jr. has made the most powerful enemies imaginable.

Trump touched on the corporate-state merger back in 2015 when he railed against rigged trade deals that benefit multinational corporations like the TPP and NAFTA.

But he only nibbled around the edges. RFK Jr. cut straight to the chase, which is why he has already earned my respect and allegiance even before he has begun to campaign in earnest.

If you’re into prayer and you cherish the ideals upon which this imperfect union was founded, take a moment to petition the ultimate sovereign for RFK Jr.’s protection.


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