Must-Read Literature: Twitter Activist's Unhinged Abortion Propaganda


Future cat lady, if not current cat lady, Katherine Wertheim has advice for American women, especially Red State ladies.

It’s a long thread.


She encourages women, among dozens of recommendations, each crazier than the last, to:

  • “Delete period apps now”
  • “Back away from friends who are snitches” (presumably she thinks red state governments are going to start recruiting confidential informants to prosecute women who abort)
  • “Don’t date pro-life men”
  • “Don’t attend college in a pro-life state”
  • “Know where your nearest abortion clinic is”

Imagine determining your state of residence based entirely on its abortion laws.

Imagine if someone put this amount of effort and planning into… not getting pregnant in the first place. Methods exist to quite easily prevent unwanted pregnancies. Then we could skip all the histrionics and midnight escapes on the New Underground Railroad to abortion heaven in the north.


This lady has committed herself to the role of modern-day Harriet Tubman, trafficking all the world’s downtrodden pregnant people on the road to sweet freedom.

“Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” Katherine’s liberated victims of the Patriarchy™ will exclaim on the way to the clinic.


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