'I Hope You Get Raped:' Pro-life Teen Reportedly Shoved, Punched by Enraged Abortion Supporter

A pro-life teenage girl reported being assaulted Sunday by an infuriated abortion enthusiast as she was canvassing a neighborhood in Overland Park, Kan.

Grace Hartsock, an 18-year-old volunteer with Students for Life Action (SFLA), was one of about 20 volunteers who were knocking on doors to inform voters of a ballot referendum for the proposed Value Them Both amendment to the state constitution. According to a report on the SFLA website, Hartsock said she knocked on a door and was told by the woman who answered, “No, I’m sorry I don’t think you want to talk to us.”  Hartsock says she thanked the woman for her time and turned to leave — and that’s when the trouble started.


Hartsock recounted that as she politely thanked her for her time and began to leave the property, a female voice began yelling and cursing from inside the home. Hartsock said that she stopped momentarily to turn around to face the voice yelling expletives and heard her say, “Don’t apologize to her, mom.” As Hartsock was turning, the yelling woman ran out the front door and began chasing her.

The woman shoved Hartsock in the chest with both hands and began hitting her in the head with closed fists. Hartsock attempted to protect herself and leave while the resident’s mother told her daughter to stop the violence.

Hartsock told police that as she made it down the driveway to get distance from the irate pro-abortion supporter, the daughter threw a piece of food that hit her in the face, and she followed Hartsock down the street screaming curses and phrases such as, “I hope you get raped,” and “I hope you get run over by a car.”

When the enraged feminist finally turned to skulk back to her lair, Hartsock was able to video the very end of the encounter. The berserk woman is seen flipping off the teen while yelling a hearty, “F**k you.”

At this point, the shrew’s beleaguered mother (who originally answered the door) is seen admonishing her adult child to “Stop it!” She is answered with a “F**k you” of her own. The raving fishwife tosses one last “F**k her” over her shoulder before re-entering the home.


Hartsock was taken to the emergency room for evaluation and, though shaken, was found to have suffered no serious injuries. She filed a report with the Leawood Police Department and returned to door-knocking the next day.

KSHB reported Tuesday that an arrest has been made: “A 37-year-old Leawood woman is facing municipal misdemeanor battery charges in connection to an incident Sunday with an election canvasser.” KSHB quoted the Leawood Police as stating:

The Leawood Police Department was contacted on Sunday by the 18-year-old female victim (Case 2022-2649). She stated that she had been going door-to-door regarding the upcoming election. As she was walking away from an address in Leawood, she was struck by a female resident. The victim was not injured. As part of our investigation, the 37-year-old suspect was arrested, charged in Leawood Municipal Court with misdemeanor battery and released.

SFLA spokesperson Kristi Hamrick told Fox News, “Since she was struck, the student is experiencing headaches and body soreness, and Students for Life Action has connected her with an attorney. She and Students for Life Action are considering a legal response.”

Related: Justice for All? Over 50 Attacks on Pro-Life Groups Since May, and Not a Single Arrest

The Value Them Both ballot referendum would amend the Kansas constitution to affirm that “the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion. To the extent permitted by the constitution of the United States, the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, or circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother.”


The proposed amendment would not ban or regulate abortion but would clarify that any such regulation is the right of the people to enact — or not enact — through their elected representatives.

The ballot referendum vote will take place on Tuesday.


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