A CNN Panel Laughed at the Idea That Democrats Have Unity

The Democratic Party has been holding nation-wide unity rallies, where leaders of the party and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have been telling people to forget about the Dems’ misdeeds and come together to defeat Trump. But they haven’t been going too well. Tom Perez, the DNC chair, has been getting booed at almost every stop on the tour. And now even a CNN panel is laughing at their expense. Here’s what John King said to get the chuckles going:


If you were paying close attention, Chairman Perez was looking like, “Where’s the door? Energizing? Get me out of here.” It’s a fun moment and it’s good theater, but does it get at the fundamental problem of the party, that the guy who came really close in the primaries still does not consider himself a member of the Democratic Party?

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The crowd even booed Bernie at the very mention of Tom Perez. Click LOAD MORE to see. >>>>>






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