Last Wednesday, while most Americans were on their way to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, a new Quinnipiac University poll was released. The poll revealed some interesting 2016 presidential election data for political junkies to ingest along with their pumpkin pie. (Why the heck else would they have picked Turkey Wednesday to release their poll?)
The poll’s snoozer news (you did not hear about) was how 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by one point, 45 – 44 percent, in a 2016 presidential match-up.
Predictably, and as PJ Media’s Bridget Johnson reported, a Utah-based “draft Romney” group is already underway.
Here is more Quinnipiac data for you to ponder.
Clinton closely defeats Gov. Chris Christie, 43 – 42 percent. (Well, well THAT is interesting.)
Clinton bests U.S. Senator Rand Paul, 46 – 41 percent.
Clinton beats former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, 46 – 41 percent.
Clinton tops former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, 46 – 41 percent.
Clinton wins over U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, 46 – 42 percent.
Clinton trounces U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, 48 – 37 percent.
Taking all this data into account, your mission is to repeal or replace the words within the contest photo or write a caption for the entire photo.
But really, “what difference does it make?” Even though Mitt and Hillary are an even match, Romney’s wife has said “no way” to a 2016 run — and Romney replied, “Yes, dear.” (Like all good husbands are trained to say.)
Now, go have some fun by dusting off your “binders full of women,” and don’t worry about those “47 percent who don’t pay taxes.” Remind yourself that you “like being able to fire people” and don’t forget “corporations are people, my friend” the next time you talk to a computer while trying to resolve a difficult problem.
More fun awaits on the next page, as we announce the winners of our last contest, “Here’s How You Know Chuck Hagel Didn’t Really Resign in 1 Picture.” (Hat tip again to the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, who wrote that headline.)

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) speaks as Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (L) and Vice President Joe Biden look on during a press conference announcing Hagel’s resignation in the State Dining Room of the White House November 24, 2014 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
The grand prize winner is our “Caption King” cfbleachers with:
“I’m running out of old buffoonish white guys!”
More winners include zoobcat1, who wrote:
Biden: “It’s empty! I’m tapping my freakin’ head, and it’s empty!”
Gbone scores with:
Biden: “Did I wear undies today?”
And finally, we have Allan Crowson:
To quote another fine American, nearly president himself, “I like being able to fire people.”
Thanks, Allan, for closing our caption contest circle of love. (Or is it a ring of fire?)
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