President Obama holds a koala before the start of Saturday’s G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia. Credit: Pete Souza
Pete Souza tweeted this photo while traveling with the President in Australia and it is the subject of our newest caption contest. The photo was Sunday’s “PIC DU JOUR” on Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook. (aka “The Bible” of D.C.)
Speaking of bibles, in case you forgot from where the title of this contest originated, here is a link to Politico from April 11, 2008 with “the gaffe” in full context as spoken by presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama at a San Francisco fundraiser. If only the media had done their job…..
Now back to the business at hand. The expression on the face of this adorable koala bear means he is doing a lot of thinking between those big ears. Your mission is to speculate about those thoughts in addition to writing an overall caption.
Moving along, here are the winners from our last caption contest which was very popular and highly competitive.

The Canadian Press/AP Photo – Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, passes by US President Barack Obama at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 in Beijing. (AP Photo/RIA)
Cfbleachers was the grand prize winner with:
“Let me take your elbow, Barry. I understand you and your guards enjoy an escort service.”
KUCE came in second with:
Putin – Thank you Barack for helping me relive my glorious youth when Carter was President.
Texan was third with:
Vlad “out of the way, punk! This is MY photo op.
Due to the outcome and all the excitement surrounding the midterm election, we held a special “creative contest.” Here you were asked to rewrite President Obama’s post-election speech to reflect what really happened on November 4, 2014.
The winner was RockThisTown with this zinger:
“I’ve maxed out the race card, so I’m cutting it in half & will never use it again.”
EEEEAAAKK …. That is the sound of Obama’s koala telling PJ Media readers to start writing because he has become an anxious “bitter clinger” and is BEARing arms.
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