“Obama fist bumped a gorilla statue in a Denver bar tonight. ” Credit: Getty
Thanks to everyone who entered our latest successful contest.
Due to the high volume of banana daiquiris clever entries, the judges “went ape” trying to determine the winners.
The grand prize winner for the first photo was RockThisTown with this amusing entry:
Obama with his Bronze Statue for “Best Performance in a Leading From Behind Role.”
Wintermute won with:
Wimp…Putin would have fist-bumped a live tiger.
Zip Code received high honors for two entries:
Man on left talking to Gorilla—- “See I told you he would not send you back to your country.”
Gorilla talking — “Hey bartender, no more drinks for this guy, he swears up and down that he is the President.”
Chris Henderson cracked up the judges with two winners:
The Planet of the (Photo) Ops
Obama meets with Dr. Zaius, the only “doctor” who approves of Obamacare. (Editor’s note: Another “Planet of the Apes” movie reference.)
shipley130 gave us: Obama’s 800 pound gorilla in the room moment…
fortibus85 had two winners:
“And then I told them I needed $3.7 billion to FIX it!”
The border burns while Obama fist bumps.
Now, here are the winners for the second contest photo.

The president shakes hands with a man in a horse mask while greeting supporters. | AP Photo
Two co-equal grand prizes were awarded. The first one goes to Joe and Norma son for:
NYT headline: President Obama determined to mobilize trans-species voters for November election
The second was won by our Caption King, Chris Henderson:
“I see the meat for Michelle’s school lunch program has arrived.”
Joe and Norma son also had a winner’s circle caption:
Mr. President you are the perfect man to be the other half of my costume.
jdkchem entered the circle with:
The horse’s a$$ meets the rest of the horse.
Now, there is only one question remaining before we close out the contest: “Where in the world is cfbleachers?”
My guess is that he “voluntarily” enrolled in some graduate-level summer classes at Re-education camp. Please report in cfbleachers because no contest is complete without you!
See you all next time a photo is worthy of a PJ Tatler photo caption contest.
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