Thanks to everyone who entered our latest contest picturing President Obama “interacting” with ASIMO the robot. As usual, the entries showcased your unique brand of political humor so appreciated by PJM readers around the world. (I just made that up but it sounds authoritative.)
We have a grand prize winner who receives nothing but prestigious acknowledgement of his brilliance and that is priceless considering the stiff competition.
That person is Chris Henderson, our reigning Caption King for his entry:
The robot is not a U.S. Citizen, is not alive and pays no taxes…it’s the perfect Democrat voter!
The runner up is RockThisTown (another Caption King) who wrote:
“Finally! Someone who understands not having a birth certificate!”
We have several honorable mentions worthy of much applause.
gbone won with this gem: Pres. Obama makes an ASIMO of himself.
cfbleachers (our Caption King of Kings) gave us two winners:
You are programmed to do and say whatever your handler wants? We have the same thing back home. It’s called “the media”.
You have someone that makes you jump on command? Me too, but she isn’t with me on this trip.
(Editor’s question: Is cfbleachers referring to the First Lady or Valerie Jarrett?)
Allen Crowson had three winning Obama “thought bubbles:”
“So this is how we pivot to Asia…. Cool!”
“We definitely did not build that!”
“Oh, yeah. An all white robot. Get me Holder on the phone!”
Then our grand prize winner and runner-up had two more winning captions.
Chris Henderson:
An un-American automaton with no brain, no heart and incapable of speaking without input from others…oh, and a robot.
“So we can not only redistribute wealth, we can now re-distribute intelligence?”
Finally, there are so many interesting photos of our Beloved Leader in action but not all reach the highest standards needed to qualify for a PJM caption contest. Below is one such photo from President Obama’s recent Asian trip. My caption is, “ Just two lonely guys hangin’ out at the local sushi bar on a hard days night.”
Now, I expect MUCH better captions from you.
Catch you all next time a photo does manage to reach those very high standards.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (2nd R) pours sake for U.S. President Barack Obama (R) as they have dinner at the Sukiyabashi Jiro sushi restaurant in Tokyo, in this picture taken April 23, 2014
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