Tons of Material On the Way

I apologize for being a bit slow. I’ve spent the last five days doing nothing but transcribing my notebooks and recorded interviews and organizing the massive amount of material I have from the Fallujah area. I realized I was not going to be able to proceed with my writing until I finished that, and it’s a good thing I did. What I thought was going to be a single dispatch called The Last Mission, for example, will actually turn into a gigantic essay in three parts that might be too long for even a magazine like The Atlantic or The New Yorker.
Now that I have organized all my material, finally, I can tell you how many more essay-length dispatches I’ll publish as soon as I have time to write them: eleven. I thought I had eight more, but I have eleven.
I wish I could chug through all this a bit faster, but I can’t do justice to the material if I do. I have so much to work with in front of me that I feel like I’m writing a book. So please bear with me, and thank you for being patient.



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