Israel vs. Lebanon

By Callimachus
So they say:

The violence pitting Arabs and Jews in the Middle East has spilled from the physical into the virtual world, as combatants on both sides lay siege to the Internet sites of one another.


And why should we be left out?

Honestly, though, I’m on a learning curve trying to figure out what’s happening. It’s times like this I used to go to Michael’s site to see what insights he had from his ringside seat. Instead, I’m here with more questions than answers.
Make this an open thread on the current Mideast crisis. What sites or publications do you look to for unbiased information? Or is it more a matter of taking a bite from both sides and trying to find the center of gravity between them?
Also, I’ve had a nagging feeling that the current Israeli government, being headed by men who, I think, lack the military leadership experience and hawkish track record of many of their predecessors, might feel it has to hit back especially hard in its first test. Is that possibly the case here?
UPDATE: Just after writing this I see my blog-partner Reader_I_Am also is in “read and learn” mode, and she’s got a list started of some of the sites that are putting up good information, including the indispensible Lebanese Political Journal.
Bloggers try to emulate journalists in being the first to report. But sometimes it’s difficult to write an intelligent opinion until the smoke clears a bit and you can see what’s happening.


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