Masochism (and not of the interesting variety)

Brave members of the Multinational forces in Iraq rescued the three “peace” activists. Here is how they responded (extract from the “Statement By Loney Family” and the identical Christian Peacemaker Teams statement:


We believe that the illegal occupation of Iraq by Multinational Forces is the root cause of the insecurity which led to this kidnapping and so much pain and suffering in Iraq. The occupation must end.
Today, in the face of this joyful news, our faith compels us to love our enemies even when they have committed acts which caused great hardship to our friends and sorrow to their families.

The Multi-National Force-Iraq has United Nations backing in the form of UNSCRs 1511 (2003), 1546 (2004) and 1637 (2005).
The fascists murdered their friend, then they condemn their rescuers. Now where does it say: “love your murderers, denounce your friends”?
The kindest way in which one can characterize these people’s attitude is: “What have the Romans ever done for us?”
Andrew Apostolou (seeking salvation in jim jams).


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