I'm Losing Here, People (Updated - I Won It)

Patterico is ahead in the Wizbang blog awards. He’s posting “vote for me” over at Free Republic, exchanging blogroll links for endorsements, bashing me as a “liberal” over at Little Green Footballs, and pulling all sorts of other shenanigans. That kind of behavior can’t be rewarded. But so far…it is!
So please go here and correct it by voting for me.
Thanks, all. Your regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly.
UPDATE: Okay, polls are closed and I won best blog for the top 100-250. (Unless, that is, somebody cheated on my behalf – please tell me you didn’t.) Thanks, everybody. And congratulations to Patterico and Meryl Yourish who took second and third place. They’re both on my blogroll, and both well worth visiting on a regular basis.



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