Who Defends Torture? (Updated)

I occasionally stumble across a remark on blogs or in their comments sections to the effect that Bush, Rumsfeld, etc., are either in favor or torturing Iraqis or at least don’t mind that it happened.
This was posted in my own comments section yesterday:


first ya just have to get Myers and Rumsfeld to bother reading the internal report that Hersh exposed.
oh yeah, they’re gonna be real serious about making sure this little problem gets resolved.

I can’t see why on earth they wouldn’t want this problem resolved, if not for moral reasons than at least because they need good PR.
I’m sure the fact that the Bush Administraion is Republican has something to do with this brand of paranoia. Republicans, after all, are supposed to be evil death beasts. Why would evil death beasts have a problem with torture? Oh, and Bush is a liar. When he says he’s disgusted by torture he’s just joking around and saying bwa-ha-ha off camera.
Let’s also not forget the military has been caricatured as a gang of savage war criminals for decades. Since conservatives love the military they supposedly approve of everything people in the military do, even things that violate the law and the code of military honor.
Here’s what I want to know. Has anyone bothered to make a public statement defending torture in Iraq? If so, I haven’t seen it. The conservatives I pay attention to unanimously condemned it, and I know already that liberals don’t think it’s okay.
Maybe I’ve missed something. I’ve been a bit slow on the news the past week. Perhaps there really is a right-wing pro-torture faction somewhere that I’m not aware of. If so, it’s rather quiet and small.
If conservative opinion is anti-torture, why should Bush, Rumsfeld, and Myers have a different view? Does the fact that they have leadership roles mean their evil is super-sized? I’ll believe that the day I think John Kerry is a Communist.
UPDATE: Grant McEntire in the comments pointed to this poll on CNN asking “Is torture ever justified during interrogation?” It’s an online poll, totally unscientific, but I still find the results creepy. At the time of this posting, 47 percent answered yes.
I wish the poll asked readers if they think this is okay.

This is not okay. This dirty deed wasn’t carried out in an extreme case where a nuke is hidden somewhere in Manhattan and the cops inject a terrorist suspect with sodium pentathol (a so-called “truth serum”), which oddly counts as “torture” in some people’s opinion. This is just sadistic, and thank heaven I haven’t yet seen a single person defend it.
So far everyone who posted in my comments section is opposed to this crap. I figured that would be the case or I would have phrased my original post quite differently. I would like to see a poll about this specific incident. Perhaps people who aren’t writers, intellectuals, or news junkies think it’s okay, but I don’t know. CNN’s poll is useless because the question is too open-ended and allows for extreme hypotheticals.



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