My Guy in Third

I’m disappointed in New Hampshire. John Kerry and Howard Dean over John Edwards? Sigh.
I suppose it’s better than Wesley Clark and Al Sharpton clobbering Howard Dean.
I still have a little bit of hope that Edwards will do well in the South and at least take Dean off the board. But maybe I’m the guy Gerard Van der Leun is talking about.


Watching these sad captains who were sane enough a few months back to say “goodbye to all that” warming to this, that, or the other Bozo bobbing to the surface of the tank is depressing. It’s like watching a drunk who has finally wised up to the dangers of drink; who’s gone on the wagon, gone to the meeting, suddenly start sniffing damp wine corks in the Boom-Boom Room while clutching a club soda.

I do think Edwards is better than that. A Bozo bobbing to the surface of the tank? Then again, he isn’t up at the surface. The cream isn’t rising.
A nationwide showdown between Kerry and Dean will be a disaster. Roger L. Simon says why.

[A] two-man race of this sort will push the Democratic Party to the left, particularly on the war. With Dean surging like this, and pushing on Kerry, the contest will become about which candidate more despises the War in Iraq. Intelligent discussion of the most important subject of our day will be minimized.


Andrew Sullivan says Bush is in trouble. And that is probably true. He’s earned every bit of that trouble. But the Democrats aren’t gearing up to replace him. They winding themselves up to flail.
I know two people who say they might vote for themselves as write-in candidates for president. They have my sympathy.


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