After Fourth Straight Loss, Major Donor Yanks Haley's Funding

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley took a massive beating over the weekend in her home state's primary, losing to former President Donald Trump by about 20 percentage points. This marks her fourth loss in a row, which makes you wonder why she's even staying in the race. Haven't GOP voters made it clear that they will not choose or embrace an establishment candidate? 


We're simply not going back to the status quo. Trump's first run for office and his term as president took on the establishment, and Republicans have had a taste of what it's like to have someone who actually cares in the White House. It's onward and upward from here on out. 

Rather than gracefully bow out of the primary, especially after losing her home state, which is usually a pretty good indicator you don't have a path forward to victory, Haley stated she's in it for the long haul. Or at least until after Super Tuesday. 

However, some of her most important donors are losing confidence in her shot at nabbing the nomination. Americans For Prosperity Action has announced it is pulling her funding following the bitter loss. 

via The Daily Wire:

The group endorsed Haley in late November ahead of the Iowa caucuses, which gave Haley a boost in the state and helped weaken the top alternative to Trump: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Americans For Prosperity Action CEO Emily Seidel said in an email on Sunday, “Haley has shown us again and again that we made the right decision in supporting her candidacy and she continues to have our strong endorsement.”

Yet Seidel acknowledged that “given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory.”


“And so while we will continue to endorse her, we will focus our resources where we can make the difference,” she continued. “And that’s the U.S. Senate and House.”

“If Donald Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket, the risk of one-party rule by a Democratic Party captured by the Progressive Left is severe and would do irreparable damage to the country,” the letter finished. “The last 3 election cycles have painted a very clear picture of what we can expect from voters who consistently rejected Donald Trump and his impact on the Republican party brand. This has been reinforced by the recent elections in Virginia in 2023 and the special elections in New York and Pennsylvania just this month. And we should expect this to increase further as the criminal trials progress.”

At the end of the day, Haley brought a lot of this on herself. She has inched ever closer to the left with a number of her policies, so much so that Trump even taunted that she might as well "switch parties" because she's "essentially a Democrat." All of this has served to push her away from Republicans who are sick and tired of squishy politicians claiming to uphold the values that made this nation great while implementing policies that destroy them. 

For many years, decades even, both parties were essentially the same, thanks to the establishment. Trump became the alternative to that status quo. 


What's made Haley even less likable is the whole "lady boss" attitude, as if she's some sort of feminist hero out to show that girls can do whatever the boys can do. This is a lame attempt at trying to reach the "girl power" crowd and suburban moms, which will ultimately come to naught. It's obnoxious for starters, not to mention a lot of her social media posts are super cringe. 

Nobody cares about the fact Haley is a woman. Conservatives care about bad policies that expand the federal government's power and intrusion into the private lives of citizens. 

Haley has likely done significant damage to her future in politics. If she loses bigly on Super Tuesday, she better just hang it up and go home.


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