In Germany, Blowback Against 'Migrants' Is on the Rise

(AP Photo/Juergen Schwarz)

After the orgy of rapine that occurred across Germany and elsewhere in Europe on New Year’s Eve, it’s hardly surprising that some German men are now taking the law into their own hands:


Vigilante gangs have been roving the streets of Cologne on a “manhunt” for asylum seekers as the backlash to the New Year’s Eve attacks continues. Among the 11 victims were Pakistani men beaten by a 20-strong mob and Syrian refugee targeted minutes later by a smaller group nearby.

Police said they had reinforced officer numbers in the city centre earlier on Sunday after receiving warnings about a group searching for “provocation”. It came after a Facebook page created by a gang of “rockers” and football hooligans had called for supporters to “clean up” Cologne.

Norbert Wagner, a police officer, told a news conference that a group used the social network earlier on Sunday to invite people to join them in “violence-free strolls” through the city, when in fact they planned to hunt down anyone appearing to be foreign. Reinforcements were sent into the city centre at 4.30pm and the first attack was reported just over two hours later, when the six Pakistani men were attacked in Trankgassen shipyard. Two of the injured victims were taken to a nearby hospital and later discharged.

Of course, the authorities tried their best to cover up the extent of the Muslim attacks on innocent Germans celebrating Silvester in the way that they do, with fireworks and merriment.  And none of them — from Angela Merkel on down — wants to admit that this was simply the opening salvo in what will now be the war between the Islamic invaders, who arrived under cover as “migrants” and “refugees,” and the Christian lands that have been marked for conquest.


But to speak of such things is, of course, verboten:

More than 550 criminal complaints have been made concerning New Year’s Eve far and 45 per cent of cases relate to sexual offences, according to the latest update from Cologne Police. A 19-year-old Moroccan man was arrested on Saturday after being found carrying a mobile phone stolen at Cologne Central Station on the night. At least 23 suspects have so far been identified by a 100-strong team dedicated to the case.

Ralf Jäger, the interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia state, claimed most of the suspects were of North African origin and travelled from other cities. “To label certain groups, to stigmatise them as sexual criminals, would not only be wrong, it would be dangerous,” he added. “Those people who make a direct link between immigration and violence are playing into the hands of right-wing extremists.”

“Dangerous,” how? And to whom? In the lunatic lefty precincts of the Federal Republic, words are worse than deeds, especially when those words threaten the entire house of cards.  Which, in case you haven’t noticed, is now coming down.


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