In his book The Liberty Amendments, conservative radio talker and author Mark Levin explains that the United States can only be saved by an Article V Convention. In other words, a convention of the states.
Article V of the U.S. Constitution, after which the convention is named, lays out two processes by which the Constitution can be amended. The first option is through Congress with approval from 3/4 of the states. The second option, and that’s the one Levin pushes for, is through a convention of the states themselves, where at least 2/3 of the states (in this case, 34 of 50 states) participate and 3/4 ratify the amendment.
Levin’s endorsement of the Article V Convention has created a nationwide movement with, until a week ago, ten states approving a Convention of States resolution. But the conservative firebrand had good news last Friday: those ten states were joined by number eleven.
You wanna hear the biggest news today, the very biggest news today? The Texas House just passed Article V Convention of States resolution. The Senate already passed it. So, Texas is state number 11, state number 11 out of 34 needed.
That’s great news for the Convention of States movement, but Levin warned that activists now have to take into account that they’ll face one attack after another — and not just from the media and the left (but I’m repeating myself) either:
I am telling you, as we get closer to 20, this will be the biggest issue in front of you. The left will go crazy. They’ve already started. Their organizations are getting ramped up. Some of the conservative think tanks will start to attack as well. The Washington politicians will go nuts. The media will go nuts. I will again be called a right-wing conspiracy hack for my role, at least, in radio and my book in this effort.
An Article V Convention is the only possible way for states to reclaim their rights — rights stolen from them by the federal government. However, because the establishment is well aware of that fact, you can expect them to go all out the closer the movement gets to the magical number 34. And no, I’m not just talking about Democrats and their organizations, but also about the Republican leadership. Neither party is against a powerful, all-encompassing government. Both want Washington, D.C., to decide what happens in every single state; they just favor slightly different policies. Other than that, they’re both pro-Big Government.
Buckle up, it’s going to be quite a ride!
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