Geert Wilders’ populist Party for Freedom (PVV) continues to perform exceptionally well in the polls. At the end of November, PJ Media reported that the PVV had a lead of eight seats, which is significant for Dutch standards. Today we can report that his lead continues to grow. According to the latest poll from Maurice de Hond, the Netherlands’ most famous pollster, the party’s lead is now 10 seats.
The poll results prove that his conviction for “incitement to discrimination” will have no effect on his chances of winning. If anything, it actually helps him. Increasingly more Dutch voters believe that he’s being persecuted for political reasons. As a result, they’re flocking to him just to show the establishment what it can do with its political correctness.
By comparing the results of last week with those of this week you see that the supposedly “classically liberal” VVD party has lost one seat in the polls, while the PVV has picked up one. Chances are that the VVD seat went to Wilders and his friends. The right-wing of the VVD is traditionally enamored with Wilders, but in the past didn’t vote for him. From the looks of it, that will change in March of next year during the next elections for parliament.
Although that’s certainly good news for those of us who want to take down the establishment, a Wilders victory wouldn’t necessarily mean he’ll become the Netherlands’ next prime minister. We’re used to having government coalitions. Many political parties have already declared they will never form a coalition with the PVV. Those parties are happy to do business with hardcore Marxists who are calling for a tax rate of 80 percent, but the PVV is somehow unacceptable because Wilders refuses to accept their idiotic dreams of a multicultural society in which political correctness is made the official law of the land.
But there certainly is hope for a bright Dutch future. If the other parties truly refuse to do business with Wilders after his party wins the elections, there will be a rebellion; not an armed one (we Dutch don’t do armed rebellions), but certainly a popular uprising of angry voters who demand to be heard. Keeping him out of the prime minister’s office will almost certainly result in even bigger election victories for the PVV in years ahead. At that point, the PVV will become so big that the mainstream parties won’t be able to ignore Wilders. That’s when Wilders will have more power than ever before.
Of course, the other parties could also wise up and embrace Wilders if he wins. If they’re smart, that’s exactly what they’ll do; not only because it’s the only way to keep the PVV’s growth in check, but also because Wilders certainly does have some valid policy ideas. Immigration has to be limited, there has to be a better system of checks and balances to make sure extremists don’t migrate to the Netherlands, and political correctness has to be thrown on the dustheap of history where it belongs. None of that will happen, however, if the PVV doesn’t join the next coalition government.
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