What Is Kamala's Perfect Number for Migrant Criminals?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Kamala Harris wants to erase her record of being directly responsible for erasing the southern border. She was literally that person, having been appointed by Joe Biden to be the so-called "border czar" back in March 2021.


So who else would be the responsible party for what's been happening at the border since then?

Naturally, it's Donald Trump, according to Harris, who now pretends to support everything she opposed when Trump was president. She pretends she didn't do everything she could to undo what President Trump did to get the border under control once she became Biden's "border czar."

The term "border czar" is actually appropriate in the sense that the last Romanov Czar, Nicholas II, oversaw the destruction of his nation, too. 

The difference was that Nicholas II didn't intend to do that. He was merely out of his depth.

Harris is something else. Something worse.  

How much destruction has this nation experienced since Harris became the "czar" of the wide-open border? A fine place to begin would be the damage done by the tens of thousands of literal criminals—and it's probably many more—the "czar" allowed into the country but arguably encouraged to enter the country by making it very clear there would be no consequences, as well as much to gain, including "free" things paid for by American taxpaying citizens, such as "free" rooms in fancy hotels most Americans can't afford to stay in.

But that's just money.

Fox News reported that the "czar" permitted "425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges" to enter - and remain - in the country since she became the "czar." [Italics added to make the point.]


There was a time when criminals were automatically disqualified from legally entering the country. But that was back in the days when the federal government acted to prevent it. 

There was a time when people who wanted to enter the country were screened for communicable diseases and kept quarantined if they were found to have them. Many were sent back to the countries they came from. It was also once-upon-a-time a requirement that would-be immigrants prove they were capable of supporting themselves so as to assure they would not become a burden on Americans.

Violent predators were kept out—or kept in a cell.

But that was a different time.

Today, under the indifferent eye of "czar" Harris, at least 62,231 criminal thugs convicted of assault have entered the country illegally, according to data just released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That's in addition to 15,811 convicted sex offenders, 2,521 kidnappers, and, if you can believe it, 13,099 convicted murderers.

President Trump was arguably being a little soft when he told supporters at a campaign event that America has become "like a dumping ground" for criminals.

It is a dumping ground. 

It's very much of a piece with the way Fidel Castro opened his prisons and dumped thousands of criminals into Florida's lap back in 1980 during what was called the Mariel Boatlift. Among the estimated 125,000 Cubans sent to America were thousands of criminals. If you've seen the Al Pacino movie, "Scarface," you'll be familiar with this already.


But that was a different time—and it was just Florida.

Today, it's America that's become the dumping ground. As President Trump says, "Non-citizens, convicted criminals from all over the world are right now at-large in the United States of America." 

Worse than just "at-large."

They are attacking cops in New York City and taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado. But don't worry; these are "isolated incidents," according to the media, which covers for the “czar.” It is doubtful that's much comfort to American citizens who've had to deal with such "isolated incidents," and it's pretty startling to hear the excuses being made for those responsible.

There ought to be no such "incidents" because it ought to be intolerable for the government to allow literally tens of thousands of violent criminals into the country in the first place. Most wouldn't be here if the "czar" hadn't opened the border to anyone who wanted to cross it.

Many of these criminals have been given "sanctuary" by state and local officials who support the "czar" and her wide-open border, probably because they believe the chaos created by this is good for them politically. The chaos creates a "need" for more government and votes for the party of more government. 

"Four years ago, Kamala Harris inherited the most secure border in U.S. history," President Trump said. She then "set the all-time record for illegal immigration into our country... she willfully and deliberately erased her own nation's borders." 


And now—for the moment—she pretends she wants to do what President Trump did.

The effrontery of it is almost as startling as the situational blackness of the sitting vice president, who assumes an Amos n’ Andy inflection when she talks down to black people. 

But don't believe your lying ears—or eyes.

She’s “authentic," and anyway, it’s just a few "isolated incidents" involving tens of thousands of convicted criminals—some coming to your town soon, assuming they haven't already been bused there.


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