[WATCH] Amish at Trump Rally Trigger the Left (How Long Until They Dox Jedediah Yoder?)

Amish man gives Trump the thumbs up in Pennsylvania. Screenshot from tweet.

President Trump, speaking in Lititz, Pa., at a rally on Monday, addressed the many Amish, Mennonite, and Pennsylvania Dutch in the audience — which led to instant accusations of faking Amish support (of course).


Twitter was soon on fire questioning whether or not the men behind Trump were actually Amish.

I wonder how long will it take the fake news media to track the young men down, interrogate them, and publish their addresses online?

In spite of the negativity online, many people at the rally got photos of quite a few people who looked Amish or Mennonite supporting Trump. The main issue seems to be people disagreeing about the difference between Amish and Mennonites. Some are insisting that Amish would never wear coats with zippers or use technology. But in my trips I’ve taken across Pennsylvania, I’ve seen a number of what look like Amish or Mennonite folks using iPhones for their businesses.


Monday’s rally wasn’t the only time the Amish have been out publicly supporting the president.

There are signs popping up everywhere showing that the Amish and Mennonite communities support Trump. They can’t all be “fake.”


The point is, whether they’re Amish or Mennonite or some other deeply religious sect, they’re out for Trump, which is highly unusual and shows how polarizing this election has become. But the president has made it a point to reach out to the Amish community as reported by PJ Media’s Paula Bolyard.

Trump has also reached out to the Amish and made history as the first president to meet with the sect’s leaders at the White House. (The president won Pennsylvania by 44,000 votes in 2016 and Ohio by nearly half a million.) A group called Amish PAC has raised (and spent) more than $100,000 on outreach to the Amish this cycle. Ben Walters, who leads the group, told the Washington Post that he thinks the tide is turning: “Since 2016, every single year, it gets a little bit easier. We’re seeing more and more signs of progress. I think behaviors are finally changing.”


And don’t forget the Amish Trump parade.

I’m betting that it only takes until tomorrow morning before someone at CNN has discovered on what farm these traitorous religious people live so antifa can trash their businesses and homes. They will then cry tears of confusion on election night when they lose — and they won’t know why.

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