I was accused, rather accurately, of fangirling for Trump during the last night of the convention. It’s true. I can’t help myself. I simply love Donald Trump and everything about his presidency, his masterful trolling capabilities, his sense of humor, his winning attitude—I even love that magnificent golden mane that was blowing in the summer wind last night. I love Trump. I’m not gonna even try and lie. Why should I? Don Lemon is a “news person” and he hates Trump openly, so I don’t really see the issue with taking the opposite stance. No one claims I’m unbiased, unlike CNN pretending they are objective and balanced. I’m firmly on the right. Donald Trump is my president. I stand for the flag, I’m pro-life, pro-military, pro-law-and-order and everyone knows that. I’m not the least bit ashamed of “fangirling” a man who has changed the GOP into a party that is worth supporting. He’s the hero we all desperately needed to turn around a failing party that was okay with being the happy losers, content to turn over our birthright to socialists.
.@MeganFoxWriter over at PJMedia's liveblog is fangirling over Trump to a degree that a KPop stand would stand back and go "whoa".#RNC2020 #RNCConvention2020
— This Ain't The Summer Hat of Love (@ThePoliticalHat) August 28, 2020
However, my personal love of the president has no effect on the very serious criticism he’s going to get from me today on my podcast for one fatal error in an otherwise perfect national convention. Tune in for my wrap up of the RNC, my favorite moments, and the one inexcusable mistake that ruined the whole thing for me. Why can’t he get this one simple thing right?