Kavanaugh Pal Mark Judge Struggles to Put His Life Back Together After Dem Smear

Mark Judge (Image via Funding Morality)

The Kavanaugh confirmation circus is over and the fighters have gone back to their corners, but not before drawing massive amounts of blood. The Kavanaughs were injured, but they now have Secret Service protection and secure employment for life. There’s someone else, though, who was beaten and bloodied and left for dead on the side of the road.


Mark Judge, the other man accused by Christine Blasey Ford, has lost his job and his home. He is raising money on a GoFundMe alternative site called Funding Morality and has received $48,549 to date. Judge is a cancer survivor and Catholic writer.

In September 2018, Mark Judge was unwillingly thrust into the national spotlight as part of the nomination and approval process for Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. At that time, Judge, a writer whose work has appeared in Christianity Today and The Stream, was a cancer survivor and was dealing with significant health issues and medical bills.
Without following constitutional standards of due process and the presumption of innocence, Judge was tried in the court of public opinion and in the secular press. As with others involved, his privacy was violated. An allegation that should have been addressed in private became a public circus, causing suffering for all parties involved.
It would seem that Judge has a good case against Christine Blasey Ford for defamation considering that the FBI found the allegations without merit. Further, he could probably go after Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti too (although I wouldn’t expect him to pay up since he’s going to owe President Trump all his legal fees for filing a nuisance lawsuit on behalf of his last client). In order to get his reputation back, Judge may have no other choice but to sue. The damage done to him by the false allegations has been severe. Church Militant reported that Judge has lost his job providing in-home care for an elderly person, his home, and his freelance work. “The position included pay, room and board, but when the media invaded their privacy, his patient was overwhelmed, and Judge was forced to quit and move out. At the same time, he was suddenly regarded as ‘radioactive’ by editors and lost several writing contracts.”
An enterprising lawyer might see an opportunity here to take Dianne Feinstein and company to the cleaners over this if he could get around the Speech and Debate Clause that protects lawmakers from certain lawsuits. Judge appears to be hoping that the fundraising effort will help him get his life back. The text of the fundraiser also notes the despicable “mob rule” culture we find ourselves in.
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