The Fakery and Anti-Family Agenda of Banned Books Week

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Image via Shutterstock

This week is Banned Books Week, and in libraries all over the country, librarians are making displays of books on fire to illustrate the great danger we all face of Amazon setting its warehouse aflame, or something. Not really. There is no possible way for any book to be censored by any stretch of the imagination. Books are not censored. Period. Should one school library remove a book from its shelves because of parental concern or otherwise, that book is still readily available, well, everywhere.


Libraries themselves take part in the censorship of books, except they say they “select” them. This is the process where they choose which books to make available to the public and which books to throw in the trash. It’s a joke of colossal proportion that librarians don’t censor. Here is a discussion I found on the American Library Association (ALA) Think Tank’s Facebook page during Banned Books Week, addressing this very issue.

ALA Think Tank

Notice the calls for these books about controversial topics to be thrown in the dumpster. These are the same people who wax sanctimonious about all the bad parents out there who want to “ban” books because they complained about violent sexual content in a reading assignment (a growing problem in public schools). This is a far cry from “banning” a book which would make it unavailable to the general public. A complaint is not a “ban.”

Modern librarians put themselves on pedestals, claiming to be champions of intellectual freedom and the First Amendment. They make no judgements (they claim) and fight against parents who would prefer that some judgements be made about the content that is given to their kids.

In case you think it’s extreme to suggest that librarians are fighting against parents, consider this. Titled Censorship and Intellectual Freedom, ALA acolyte and assistant director of the Office of Intellectual Freedom Kristin Pekoll laments the involvement of parents in book selection, among a litany of other complaints (because only librarians are allowed to throw books in the dumpster).


Do I stand strong against the onslaught of vocal parents demanding cleaner libraries?

If there was ever any doubt that ALA was concerned with the welfare of children, this should end that debate. The ALA prides itself on encouraging librarians to stand against parents, to put books that are rife with sexual violence, drugs, alcohol, abortion and other adult topics into the hands of your children without your permission or consent.

Here is my favorite find on the ALA’s website. This infographic shows you exactly what they are actively pushing on your kids during Banned Books Week.

banned books week

Don’t be fooled by Banned Books Week; it’s just more trumped-up fakery to push cultural rot on your kids.


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