Has Obama Damaged Hillary's Possible 2016 Presidential Bid?

When scandal plagues one party, people flock to the other.  Concerning public trust, that’s already happened, with the American people trusting Republicans over Democrats in government.  It’s also possibly damaged Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House in 2016.  Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner wrote yesterday of the catastrophic impact Obama’s scandals have on the Democratic Party for 2014 and beyond.


This hurts the Democratic Party and will hurt anybody who runs for president in 2016,” said former Clinton White House counsel Lanny Davis, a major supporter of Hillary Clinton. Speaking on national radio’s Andrea Tantaros Show, he added: “It will make it almost impossible to elect a [Democratic] president. … I’m nervous.”

Meanwhile, several Democratic and GOP political advisers told Secrets that the combined scandals — IRS, Benghazi and the media source hunt — threatens the Democrats’ grip on the Senate. House advisers are even predicting that Republicans will pick up nearly 10 seats if the scandals continue to eat away at trust in the Democratic Party.

Yet, the president’s approval rating are holding steady, but Davis:

[d]ismissed some polls showing that Obama has maintained a level approval rating. “This is going to eat away at his approval ratings,” he said.

And if it turns out that the White House suggested to the IRS that they target Tea Party groups for arduous investigations into their requests for tax-exempt status, “it’s the end of the presidency.”




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