Gosnell Case Launches Congressional Probe Into Abortion in America

Philly Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s atrocities are well-documented in the grand jury report, and the case’s sparse coverage in the news has set up a rather powerful narrative concerning media bias and censorship.  Even the left has admitted that the media covered up Gosnell to protect abortion.  Yet, conservatives shamed the mainstream media to cover the case.  It now has national attention, with a congressional probe into abortion in America.  Yes, feminists, pro-aborts, and liberals aren’t going to be happy, and this could bring up the ever irritating “war on women” narrative from 2012.  Nevertheless, Steven Ertelt at Life News reported on May 9 that:


A House committee has launched a nationwide investigation in response to the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the abortion practitioner charged with multiple counts of murder for gruesome abortions and infanticides.

The move follows letters from another committee to public health officials in all 50 states asking them what they are doing to prevent “House of Horrors” abortion clinics like the one Kermit Gosnell ran in Pennsylvania.

Because the Gosnell Grand Jury report identified a “regulatory collapse” that allowed Gosnell to go undetected for decades, the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to all 50 state attorneys general asking questions about efforts to protect the civil rights of newborns and their mothers.


Responding to that, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee Chairman Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) have sent a letter to all 50 state attorneys general seeking to find out if state and local governments are being stymied in their efforts to protect the civil rights of newborns and their mothers and if the federal government might be able to partner with states to prevent newborn homicides.

The letter asks the state attorneys general to respond to several questions and to provide copies of any official written procedures or guidance that relate to the gathering of information on, or the prosecution of, newborn homicides by June 1, 2013.


This comes after Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut blocked Sen. Mike Lee’s resolution to have hearing on Gosnell and abortion.  As a result, the House wants to know what the states are doing to prevent more Gosnells from operating freely, and committing infanticide.  Do you hear that?  It’s the sound of angry feminists and pro-aborts on the horizon.


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