With Obama’s re-election, the stakes in maintaining economic freedom in this country couldn’t be higher. Republicans are better in honoring the principles of limited government and liberty, but not all of them practice what they preach on the campaign trail. It’s politics as usual. A lot of NGOs have scorecards that rank members of Congress in accordance with their respective mission statements based on voting records. The National Rifle Association is a classic example. Yesterday, Americans For Prosperity released their scorecard:
…for the 112th Congress [that] analyzes every single member to let you know how focused your legislators are on promoting economic freedom…in this brand-new edition, we tallied the most critical votes of the 112thCongress – repealing President Obama’s job-killing health care law, disapproving of EPA’s overreach to regulate greenhouse gases, supporting Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget, stopping “green” ethanol subsidies, and many others.
With so many anti-free market damaging policies coming out of Washington, it is more important than ever to watch how our lawmakers are voting. You didn’t send them to Congress to hike your taxes and restrict your economic freedom. Elected officials must be held accountable and now you can see their votes easier than ever.
Americans For Prosperity’s Director of Policy, James Valvo, said that the scorecard is broken down into eight issues that impact economic freedom the most. In all,eighteen Representatives and one Senator received a perfect 100 percent, earning an A+ score on the AFP Scorecard. Twenty-one Representatives and one Senator received a 0 percent, earning an F.
It should be noted that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) scored the perfect 100% score.
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