So, how do we make ObamaCare more palatable to the American public? Do we call it something different? After all, President Obama has reclassified the War on Terror, as an “Overseas Contingency Operation.” However, FreedomWorks blogger Rusty Weiss wrote on January 11:
back in 2010, an agreement between a pro-Obamacare foundation and a society of business journalists had been questioned as a ‘cozy propaganda arrangement’. This arrangement has recently continued through sponsorship funding and training efforts that will provide journalists with “specialized education in health care reporting”.
In the summer of 2010, the Commonwealth Fund, a self-described ‘progressive’ organization, announced a $15,000 grant being awarded to the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW). It was the third such grant awarded to the SABEW since 2007, but the first to have the express purpose of providing ‘a series of education programs focusing on aspects of the nation’s new health-care reform law.’
The organization has a history of reporting only favorable accounts of the Obamacare legislation, even being pointed to on numerous occassions by the White House.
Case in point – The SABEW has recently announced a two-day symposium on “The Business of Health Care”, being held at Reuters Headquarters in New York City. The event, sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund and featuring their brand new President, David Blumenthal as a speaker, will “offer specialized education in health care reporting” and “boost knowledge of the Affordable Care Act”.
Additionally, the symposium will be kicked off by a former member of the Obama Administration, Sherry Glied, who served under the President at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Given that “Reuters, Money Magazine, MarketWatch, the Dallas Morning News, and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel will all be represented at the symposium,” I’m sure it’ll be a fun-filled, big government love fest. More disconcertingly, it’s another episode in the annals of the decline of the Fourth Estate.
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