The Democrats are in deep trouble, and they have no one to blame but themselves. For years, they’ve insulted voters, pushed insane policies, and relied on pure propaganda to prop up their failing agenda. Their entire strategy boiled down to hating Trump and pandering to the unhinged — and the American people responded by handing them a crushing defeat. Now, as they flail in desperation, they’re reaping exactly what they sowed.
A devastating new internal poll confirms what conservatives have been saying all along: Americans see Democrats as out-of-touch elitists who care more about pronouns than working families.
The numbers are brutal. A whopping 69% of voters think Democrats are "too focused on being politically correct."
Only 69%? That seems low.
It gets worse. More than half view the party as "elitist." But here's the real killer: only 27% of independent voters believe Democrats are focused on helping them. The rest think Democrats are too busy coddling their preferred special interest groups.
Democrat pollster Molly Murphy accidentally told the truth when she admitted, "The Democratic brand is still not where it needs to be in terms of core trust and understanding people's challenges." I wonder how many times this will be pointed out before Democrats realize they need to change their ways.
That problem for Democrats is compounded by findings that House Republicans still hold an advantage on the economy, even amid widespread economic uncertainty in the early weeks of Trump’s term. In the Navigator survey of 62 competitive House districts across the country, voters said they trust Republicans over Democrats on handling the economy by a 5-point margin, 46 percent to 41 percent. Voters also trust Republicans more than Democrats by a 7-point margin on responding to inflation, 44 percent to 37 percent.
Just 38 percent of voters believe that Democrats’ policies prioritize the middle and working class, while 35 percent believe they primarily benefit the wealthy. Another 18 percent said they’re geared toward the poor. Republicans, too, had only 38 percent of voters who said GOP’s policies were focused on the middle and working class, while 56 percent said they were focused on the wealthy.
The Democrats are so panicked they're holding emergency strategy sessions to figure out what to do.
“House Democratic members and staff are scheduled to hear from one of the researchers, who will present their findings, at their caucus’ Issues Conference on Wednesday in Leesburg, Virginia,” explains Politico. “The meeting is aimed at guiding members’ messaging as they prepare for the 2026 midterms, and the survey suggests the party has an enormous amount of work to do to repair its image.”
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In the end, will anything really change? The solution to the Democrats’ problems is obvious: ditch DEI, gender ideology, and open borders. Simple, right? Not for them. Instead of facing reality, they’ll cling to the delusion that their failures stem from a messaging problem — not a complete rejection of their radical agenda.
The 2026 midterms are still far off, but Democrats have dug themselves into a deep hole with their radical agenda and contempt for ordinary Americans. Their trust deficit with voters isn't just a messaging problem; it's what happens when you consistently put America last.