
Tim Walz's Constant Lies Are a Problem for the Harris Campaign

Townhall Media

Almost immediately after word got out that Kamala Harris had picked Tim Walz as her running mate, the lies he’d been telling for years started to haunt him. His stolen valor was particularly egregious as he falsely claimed military achievements, deployments, and war zone service that simply weren’t true. And these lies are becoming a major problem for the Harris campaign.

There is nothing that seems off the table, whether it’s something as trivial as claiming to dislike spicy food, something as serious as his drunk driving arrest, or something as personal as fertility treatments that he and his wife used to conceive, nothing is off the table for Walz to tell blatant fictions in the name of advancing his political career.

Yet the mainstream media couldn’t care less. They try hard to ignore the lies whenever possible, but when they can't, they make excuses for them to help the Harris campaign, even refusing to call them lies. This is media bias in its purest form — shielding a Democratic candidate from the consequences of his dishonesty by wrapping his lies in softer language.

The latest exposed lie is a classic example. Walz claimed that he was in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests. He used that story for years, giving people the impression that he witnessed a historic moment, only to backtrack when finally confronted during a debate. 

Related: Whoever Vetted Tim Walz Should Be Fired

“I’m a knucklehead at times,” he said, as if being a “knucklehead” makes lying to the American people any less egregious. It wasn’t something a normal person would say if it weren’t true, and it’s not something one could make a mistake about. Imagine someone claiming they were at Dealey Plaza in Dallas when John F. Kennedy was shot when they were actually there days, weeks, or months after it happened. 

Yet the mainstream media wants us to believe that Walz's lies are not lies at all.

“Tim Walz has a problem misspeaking,” Politico reported Thursday. “Since being tapped as Kamala Harris’ running mate, the folksy, plain-speaking Minnesota governor has had to explain a growing number of inaccurate statements — and at times embellishments — about his past.”

I can't help but wonder how many different euphemisms for "lying" there are.

The article cites the stolen valor, the Tiananmen Square comments, and IVF as examples yet goes to extraordinary efforts to downplay the blatant lies as mere slips of the tongue, not calculated fictions designed to enhance his resume or give him ammunition for political attacks. They even note how the Harris campaign had to quietly alter his biography after questions arose, and act like this wasn’t a huge deal.

Politico invokes other politicians — like Richard Blumenthal, who lied about serving in Vietnam, and Joe Biden, who’s made a career of “embellishing” his personal life. Instead of condemning this behavior, they lump Walz in with these other Democrats, normalizing dishonesty by acting like “everyone does it."

Notice the way Politico describes other examples of political candidates "embellish[ing] their records or personal histories."

President Joe Biden had long been known to overstate even minor details of his personal life, like his academic achievements. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) in 2010 had to explain why he misstated his military record when he claimed he served in Vietnam when he in fact served in the Marine Corps Reserves during the Vietnam War — but stateside. Former Rep. George Santos is well known for lying about a number of things, including that his mother was killed in the 9/11 attacks. [emphasis mine]

The Republican lied. But the Democrats merely "overstate" or "misstate." It's funny how that works, isn't it?

Congress expelled Santos for lying about his credentials to get elected, yet neither Biden, Blumenthal, nor Walz has been held accountable for their lies. Instead, those are considered irrelevant.

“Any time you are forced to go off message is never welcome,” Mike Mikus, a Democratic strategist in Pennsylvania, told Politico. “But in the end, voters are looking for somebody who is more concerned about what these candidates are going to do to improve their lives than, ‘Did he get every single fact correct?’”

The media’s refusal to be honest about the lies of Democrats like Biden, Blumenthal, and Walz isn’t just journalistic malpractice — it’s an insult to the intelligence of the American people. Politico and outlets like it are actively lowering the bar for Democratic candidates, giving them a free pass on behavior that would get any Republican skewered in the press. Calling lies “misspeaking” doesn’t change the fact that Walz is being deliberately dishonest, and voters deserve to know the truth without the media running cover for him.


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