Mark Cuban Just Humiliated Himself Trying to Defend Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

Billionaire businessman and "Shark Tank" star Mark Cuban is supporting Kamala Harris in this year's election. That's hardly shocking since Cuban is a radical liberal, despite claiming to be a centrist. The problem for him is that his efforts to defend the policies and ideology he supports have been complete disasters.


Earlier this year, he decided to virtue-signal his support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies on social media and got burned when his hypocrisy was exposed as a result. Ever since, his efforts to defend leftist policies have been routinely mocked. 

On Thursday, his attempts to defend Harris's record and policy proposals were brutal. Earlier this week, he accused Donald Trump of being a socialist, which was hilarious, but on Thursday, he humiliated himself during an appearance on CNBC's "Squawk Box" after co-host Joe Kernen pushed back on Cuban's claims, making Cuban look like a complete fool.

For one thing, Cuban was terrible at defending Kamala's price-gouging proposal. As you know, Kamala is admitting that prices of goods are too high, but she blames corporate greed and "price gouging" for the high costs of goods, and is making that the bogeyman for inflation. But even Cuban, a proponent of her Soviet-style price controls, admitted that price gouging is not the cause of the inflation we're experiencing.

"Do you think any of the 40-year highs in inflation are attributable to price-gouging?" Kernan asked. "And do you do you care that that is the entire premise on—"


"No," Cuban replied, before insisting that he was misrepresenting Kamala's position. 

"I'm watching her ads now," Kernan shot back. "You've seen the ads."

"Yes, of course," Cuban said.

Kernan then asked Cuban if he thought the 40-year high inflation was caused by supermarket price gouging.

"No," he said. "No."

"You think it was putting too much stimulus on top of the supply constraint?"

"Yeah," he said. "Yeah."

Cuban literally demolished Kamala's economic policy while trying to defend it. Unreal.

Then Kernan pointed out that Kamala Harris choked during the debate when she dodged the very first question.

"When she was unable to answer the question about are you better off now than four years ago," Kernan began, "I think that was illustrative—"

"Four years ago," Cuban interrupted, "literally, we were in a pandemic, it was an easy answer."

For our VIPs: Kamala Just Had the Worst Day of Her Campaign

But that excuse didn't hold water with Kernan, because obviously, people are comparing Trump's pre-pandemic record to the Biden-Harris record. 


"We can look at exactly what happened," Kernan said. "He's already been president. And we can look at what happened when she was vice president, and it's not good, the comparison."

"Being the president, Joe, as you know, is different than being vice president. It's not—"

And then Kernan delivered the ultimate smackdown.

"So she can take credit for the good things that happened with Biden, but she didn't have anything to do with the bad things?"



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