
Kamala Is Running From Policy Proposals As Much As From the Media

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

This week, we learned that Kamala Harris intends to unveil her first major policy proposal. However, she didn't plagiarize this one from Donald Trump; she plagiarized it from Soviet Russia. According to the campaign, her new policy proposal is “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries,” which is just a euphemistic way of saying “price controls.”

Anyone who knows history knows that such policies don’t work and backfire spectacularly. But Kamala is continuing the Biden tradition of trying to claim that Bidenomics doesn't cause inflation but that greedy corporations do and that the only way to fix the problem is for the government to step in. 

The critics of this proposal have come out in full force, and the policy could come under fire from friendly sources once details come out. As recently as a few months ago, CNN poured cold water on the idea that corporate greed is the leading cause of inflation.

"Some progressives have frequently blamed corporate greed for fueling the high cost of living that Americans are fed up with," the report said. "Yet new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco casts doubt on the greedflation theory."

Related: Kamala Officially Chickens Out of First Debate With Trump

CNN may not be so honest about it now, but it's hardly surprising that Kamala's campaign advisers are worried about revealing the specifics of her economic plan, fearing it could backfire, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

"As they flesh out Harris’s agenda, her economic advisers have debated how detailed they should be, some of the people familiar with the discussions said, amid concerns from some Democrats that releasing a lengthy plan could open the vice president up to criticism from Republicans and members of her party," the paper reported. "The policy framework is expected to outline broad policy areas she supports, while avoiding many of the thorny details."

"Harris’s ascension to the top of the ticket has energized Democrats and some allies have cautioned against doing anything that could slow that momentum, including lengthy interviews with media outlets," the article pointed out.

Because we have to elect her to find out what's in her policy proposals. Meanwhile, you can go on the Trump campaign website and get all the details you need about Trump's positions and policy proposals.

Related: Kamala Just Blew Up Her Excuse For Not Doing Interviews

Perhaps the biggest problem Harris will face, regardless of what her proposals are and how detailed they are, is the question of why she hasn't done anything about the problems that she says she wants to fix. As the sitting vice president, she can't help but be linked to and have to run on the agenda and record of the current administration — which would be difficult for even a competent politician to do.

According to Axios, "Harris doesn't want to be completely defined by the Biden-Harris record," but that will be nearly impossible without a detailed agenda or policy proposals. The problem is that the devil is always in the details.


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