
Kamala Harris' Criticism of Israel Had Deadly Consequences

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Upon becoming the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris was elevated to what many would describe as a co-president role, likely done to boost her foreign policy credentials. Well, it looks like this effort to boost her had a deadly result.

On Thursday, Kamala Harris met privately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Joe Biden had already done so. The discussion was reportedly constructive, but afterwards she gave a solo press conference where she offered a much more critical tone against Netanyahu and Israel. Two days later, a Hezbollah rocket killed 11 innocent people, mostly children, marking the deadliest assault on Israel since the October 7 Hamas massacre.

It would be naive to think this was a coincidence.

After her meeting with Netanyahu, Harris was quite eager to hold a solo press conference to prove how presidential she is, but she couldn’t help herself and urged Netanyahu to finalize a ceasefire and secure the release of hostages. 

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating — the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time,” she said. “We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies.  We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering.  And I will not be silent.”

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“There has been hopeful movement in the talks to secure an agreement on this deal.  And as I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done,” she added. “So, to everyone who has been calling for a ceasefire and to everyone who yearns for peace, I see you and I hear you.”

Hamas and Hezbollah certainly heard her, too.

Netanyahu was reportedly upset by Harris' on-camera remarks, concerned they could jeopardize ongoing negotiations over a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal. Israeli officials noted that her public criticism was much harsher than her private conversations with Netanyahu, causing a perception of increased tension and discord between the U.S. and Israel. It sure looks like the perceived rift emboldened Iran-backed Hezbollah, which saw an opportunity to exploit what they believed was a weakening of Israel's support from its closest ally.

All because Kamala Harris is trying to win Michigan.

Does anyone believe a ceasefire is going to happen anytime soon now? She may very well have escalated a war because she thought her tough rhetoric on Israel would end more quickly. It was a gross miscalculation, a reflection of her incompetence. Of course, this isn’t exactly a new strategy from the White House. Joe Biden was far more publicly in Israel’s corner after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, but when his poll numbers tanked, and Trump took a commanding lead in Michigan, Biden publicly took a more critical position against Israel.

But now that it appears that Kamala Harris is calling the shots on America’s policy towards Israel, something new is brewing. America’s alliance with Israel looks weaker than ever, and Israel’s enemies see an opportunity… and they’re taking it.

Now, Israel will respond appropriately, which is likely to create even more daylight between Israel and the Harris-Biden administration. 

When it comes to the Middle East, Harris is playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess. She’s proven she’s not ready for this, and sadly, I doubt the mainstream media will connect the dots.


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