Here Comes The 'Republicans Pounce' Narrative About Joe Biden's Health and Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race, the liberal media has made it clear that it wants to elevate Kamala Harris in the hopes of making her path to the nomination and the presidency smooth.


Unfortunately for them, Harris's role in the biggest and most scandalous cover-up in history is likely to get in the way of that.

"Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline," the ad's narrator begins.

Then we see clips of Harris praising Biden’s performance as president, such as statements saying that he's "good shape," "good health," and "tireless."

The ad continues, “But Kamala knew Joe couldn’t do the job – so she did it. Look what she got done: a border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream – dead. They created this mess. They – no, Kamala, owns this failed record.”

With such a devastating narrative likely to hang over her candidacy going forward, naturally, the liberal media had to step with the good ol' "Republicans pounce" story.

"Some Republicans have a new talking point to discredit Vice President Kamala Harris and other top Democrats," Politico reported Sunday night. "They're claiming President Joe Biden's allies knew about his apparent decline — and tried to cover it up."


That messaging follows an outpouring of reporting over the past month that the White House had increasingly insulated Biden, keeping his circle small and closely controlling his interactions with officials.

And Harris, her critics argue, must have known.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) called the revelations about Biden’s apparent decline “the Democrats’ Watergate” — and Harris “the number one defender and liar.”

“The number one question that she’s going to have to answer now is, why did she lie to the American public?” McCarthy said on Fox today.

Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley echoed that argument.

“The biggest question is going to be for Kamala Harris and every other Democrat who for the last year has been saying that Joe Biden is totally fine while they have been watching his physical deterioration,” Whatley said on Fox.

Indeed, after Biden's disastrous debate performance last month, there has been a flood of stories showing how Democrats at all levels have been in on the cover-up for years — not just Harris. There have been stories about how the White House went to great lengths to keep Biden out of the view of those outside his inner circle, and congressional Democrats have spoken out about how forgetful and weak Biden has been for years. 


Related: Some New Twists in the Election After Biden Drops Out

Without a doubt, whether Democrats ultimately nominate Harris — which seems the most likely — or another Democrat, this narrative will haunt the Democrats for the remainder of the campaign.

Yet according to Politico, the story is that Republicans are "claiming" that Harris was part of the cover-up, even though it's obvious that she was.


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